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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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Hello again, So I am almost complete with my first set of plans in Revit. Wow! Except one thing the electrical/lighting plan. Please see attached this is a typical lighting plan that my company does with switches, outlets, and lighting. I know the lighting goes on the ceiling plan but i need all this to be together on one sheet. Any suggestions as how I might get started and how to achieve the look of the attachements. Thanks for any help or advice you all may have. Raina Mc
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Joined: Tue, Apr 12, 2005
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You can do all of this in Revit. Open the library and get the electrical components that you require and put them in a duplicate view of your plan. Then create a legend view and open the families and drag the symbols in (plan view) and create a key. Write the appropriate notes. Drag both of these onto a sheet view to create the same effect as the drawings that you post. The legend view can be used on more than one sheet.
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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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Created the duplicate plan and started on the outlets. How do I get the lighting to show up? I can place lighting in the ceiling plan but it does not show up in the duplicate view that i designate as my electrical plan. What should I do? Oh yeah I am working in 2008. Thanks, Raina Mc
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Joined: Thu, Jan 12, 2006
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Look at the attached Revit-2008 project example. The ceiling mounted fixtures have an "invisible line" created in the family that extends down to the floor line (thru the cut plane). The reason your light symbols were not showing up is that no part of the light family was extending low enough to hit your plan's cut plane. Hope this works out for you.
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Joined: Tue, Apr 12, 2005
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In your ceiling view properties under view range set both Top and View depth to unlimited. The wall fixtures should show.
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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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I changed the view range for both to be unlimited. The stairs don't show up my kitchen sink does not show up. I can work with it but its not like the duplicated view. Putting a light above the kitchen sink i had to start hiding things. Not sure how to get the invisible line that is in the lighting family to show through my cut plane. Thanks for your help, Raina Mc
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Joined: Tue, Apr 12, 2005
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On your sheet you can put the ceiling plan showing the lightng fixtures over the floor plan showing whatever you want showing. If the views are the same scale they will snap to each other on the sheet. You will need to hide the actual ceiling so that you can see through to floor plan.
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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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Just wanted to say thanks for the help it is working. However it is slow going and frustrating. The electrical plan has been the wrost with Revit. Oh well guess you have to take the good with the bad. Thanks again, Raina Mc
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Joined: Thu, Jun 8, 2006
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I would do a underlay of the lighting plan. Go to view properties (hit VP) then go to Underlay and select the lighting plan while in the floor plan you wish to show all the info in. Use the Visibiliy options to turn on and off what you don't want to see. This should be MUCH faster. Good luck!
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Joined: Tue, Apr 12, 2005
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Yes of course - this would be much easier than overlaying the two drawings,
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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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I am trying to do as suggested by making the floor plan an underlay but it is not working. I duplicated my floor plan and created a view called first floor electrical. In that duplicated view everything is halftone except the electrical fixtures, lighting, and lines for my conduit. I also have no dimensions, section, tags, or elevations showing. Then I have created a first floor ceiling plan with the same visibilty graphics. So that is where I am however when I go to view properties in either one of those views it will not give me the option to let the first floor electrical plan be the underlay nor the first floor ceiling plan. Am I doing something wrong? Or should I maybe approach this in a different way? Thanks again for all the help.
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Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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RainaMc, I saw your pdf files and I am trying to do in revit2009 something similar. Could you please help me. I read your post and I am having a similar problem. I am working in the electric/lighting plan for a house remodel and when I start drawing lines in the "ceiling plans, level 1" the lines don't show in this specific view instead the show on the other views such as "floor plans, level 1". How can I make the lighting plan diagram to show just on the view for ceiling plans level 1? Did you created all those lighting, electrical symbols in revit or did you exported them from autoCAD. Could you please tell me what is the best way to have this symbols in my project. Thank you. I will appreciate it.
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Joined: Mon, Sep 8, 2008
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Electrical plans are still the most frustrating, terrible, annoying, thing in Revit. I go about it just like this post says two plans one copy of my floor plan with outlets and such on it and a reflected ceiling plan with all my lighting, fans, smoke detectors, and exhaust fans. I try to do all my switches and electrical lines on the ceiling plan and when I am done I turn off the ceiling, walls, plumbing and casework. I will put the electrical floor plan on a sheet and then put the reflective ceiling plan on top there will be dashed lines horizontal and vertical that will let you snap to it. Another thing in the electrical floor plan make everything halftone in visibility graphics other than the room tags and anything having to do with the electrical plan. Create a line in line styles for the electrical conduit and make it a little heavier. I used some symbols that came with Revit and I downloaded a lot from this site. Good luck!
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Joined: Thu, Jun 8, 2006
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You may need to adjust the discipline under VP to electrical. This should have a view template that is already set up for your view. If it is not set up correctly then go to View/Create View Template from View, and modifiy the visiblities to what you would like. Once you've done this, apply this template to all the views you wish to look like that view. (Apply view template is under View). You said your underlay is not working? Set the underlay as well as the orientation in the view template.
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Joined: Sat, May 2, 2009
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Does anyone have any ideas on oultet & switches alignment? I previous power/lighting plans, we have shown switches and outlets grouped on to indicate alignment in elevation. When we do this with revit, the symbols either get bunched up in plan when the elevation aligns vertically or vice versa. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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