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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Importing and rendering a model in DWG format

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Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 10:13:04 PM | Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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Ok, here's the following. I've got a very cool Berlino bed I want to import into revit and it's possible to do so because I've got it in DWG format. So far so good. The problem is that I want to render it to my own taste: the tissue of the cover and pillows and the metal of the bed's legs. The thing is that the whole block is inserted as a block and if I explode it I end up with a squashed 2D top image of the bed. How do I render the elements like I want after importing them?

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Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 10:41:46 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format


Mr Spot

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Once you've imported the dwg into the rfa file, if you have a look in the materials library you should notice the new material links for the dwg. Each of these materials will be assigned to the corresponding areas of the bed. If you change the materials here it will update the model. If you take note of the material names when you place in a project if you go to the materials library and locate these materials you will be able to change them.

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 5:35:58 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format




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Take a look at this tutorial. I hope it can give you some help...

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 10:59:11 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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No good! I have imported the dwg file as a family and saved it as such, I tried to modify the materials and in the end I get... NOTHING! All I get is a the bed rendered in it's beautiful white color. I'm leaving the DWG file for reference. Hopefully someone will manage to help me because none of the suggestions seemed to have worked so far Sad Curiously though the PDF tutorial that was left and the truck family it makes reference to work, but not my bed! How come can't I change the materials in it!???

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 11:03:28 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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have you tried exploding it in ACAD first, and assigning layers to it before inserting to Revit?


Hiroshi Jacobs

The Catholic University of America

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 1:58:11 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format




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See my tutorial on creating famies using dwg files. Ignore the stuff at the start about 3d studio max nd go straight from point number 4. Should be easy after that.

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 5:47:29 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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maxlloyd: I tried to! I tried to explode the drawing as much as I could before importing it, I tried to importing it having it explode only once, I tried to import it as a whole and to no avail. I always followed the instructions and I do manage to arrange the drawing in different layers before importing it into revit and I think I'm managing to assign the materials correctly. What I don't understand is why the colors and materials I choose don't appear neither on the rendering nor when viewing it in shading view. I'm attaching the family I have right now. Imported from the DWG I posted earlier on.

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 9:10:03 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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Make sure you have assignede accurender materials and that your view phasing is correct


Hiroshi Jacobs

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 9:51:15 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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Yes, I've assigned the accurender materials and no it doesn't work. Phasing views?

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 11:05:21 PM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format


Mr Spot

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I tried changing the materials and its all fine. Mr GG had a go and got them to change also. The actual form of the bed doesn't seem all that difficult so i think i might be a better idea to create it from scratch in revit. Atleast then you could set up material parameters for the bed...

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Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 4:39:58 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format




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Have a look in the Gallery: It is just about exploding in Autocad, and then placing ithe things on different layers. And then have a second look at miy and MaxLloyds tutorials. Perhaps hjabos wants to place my tutorial on making cars in different colors among the other tutorials on Revitcity? Having things in just one color is a little bit boring.... Cars, beds, whatever you choose in different colors that is nice and easy to get if you just follow my tutorial - beginning with studying the tutorial of MaxLloyd...

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Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 7:07:49 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format




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Just a comment - Beware of Electric Beds and Electric Chairs and Everything Else Electric - See: There you can read the following about Beds and Electricity - Mans Origin - Mans History and History of Today and Tomorrow: Well using electricity everything can go so wrong. Electricity is so forceful - our new fire - and so InTelligent - our new wheel - so you have to beware of it... FUNNY? SERIOUS? LINKS You can Google a bit to find out for yourself - here just some tips... Discovery of Electricity --- ---- ---- --- ORIGIN --- Man is seven million years old. We lived in small groups about a hundred persons: ---- HISTORY We learned to farm 10 000 years ago and we were able to build hierarchical states, cities with millions of people. In the 16th century Gallileo Gallilei sat in the cathedral of Piza taking his pulse to find out the time it took for a lamp to swing back and forth. He connected time and space with a formula. Natural science was born. The only word - God, Dieux, Allah, Cup, Spoon or whatever one and only name you use for everything was placed in the shadow for a incorrect formula... as all formulas are... ----- TODAY - TOMORROW And now man can use electricity for all purposes - good and bad. You have to Google yourself to find out in who to believe eg. taking down World Trade Center - 911 - Osama or Bush or someone else? - using electricity without understanding the consequenses in a group of 6 billions!!! --- --- --- So Beware of Electricity when making Beds!

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Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 9:23:18 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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It seems like your family is fine, but there's something wrong when you import it to a project. I was also able to assign materials and render. Make sure your project phasing is correct & your view allows the bed to be rendered with its materials. IE, if your object is an existing object, it might render as grey depending on how your phasing is set up.


Hiroshi Jacobs

The Catholic University of America

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Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 10:26:14 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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What I'm having is... a rendering in grey as jacobs described. What I want to is to be able to render it in my chosen colors. What I need is a step-by-step tutorial on how the people who have my bed managed to add materials and textures to it. What I don't need is being redirected to tutorials, which, useful on their own, added nothing to help in solving my problem so far. So please... it didn't work once, so don't post it it twice. What is view phasing? How did you manage to render my bed and assign materials to it? Step by step, please! I've just recently started working with this, so make it simple... Post edited on 2004-10-27 10:26:40

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Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 10:40:24 AM | RE: Importing and rendering a model in DWG format



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could you post your project file with the family imported into it? That way we can take a look at the file and work through what your issue is.


Hiroshi Jacobs

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