Joined: Mon, Nov 20, 2006
22 Posts No Rating |
I am placing new rooms in a view assigned to the "New" phase.. but the blue fill seems to occupy the space of the existing rooms in the previous phase. What's going on?
An example would be an existing room having a closet, the new room has no closet, yet the blue room fill still outlines around the demo'ed closet.
Joined: Wed, Mar 12, 2008
322 Posts
Are the closet walls demo'd? In the new phase? Are they showing in the new phase?
Screenshots with properties of view and object might be helpful.
Joined: Mon, Nov 20, 2006
22 Posts No Rating |
The (closet) walls are set as
Created: Existing
Demolished: Demo
The view i'm working is in a phase called New.

Joined: Tue, Mar 15, 2011
199 Posts
Do not create a demo phase. Phases are construction, you can map each project in a campus/building to a phase, and all work gets done in that phase. I.e.- your walls should be Created: Existing
Demolished: New
But I don't think this is the issue. When your view is set to a phase, anything you draw will automatically be placed on that phase, including rooms/spaces. When you place the space/room, so long as your demo phase was occuring prior to the new construction, then you should still have been getting the profile you wanted.
Check that your walls are room bounding (found in the instance properties of the walls).
I can't really help any more without additional information. Turn off everything except room/spaces, and then turn on everything inside of rooms/spaces (colorfill, etc.). Look at the areas that are wrong, and see "how" it is getting into the spaces (i.e.- does the colorfill extend through a wall? If so, make sure wall is room bounding, or does it perhaps get through a small gap that you didn't notice... Or perhaps you have a door family, or opening family which is not room bounding).
A screen capture of this would be nice to help you out.
Edited on: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:24:31 AM
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