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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region

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Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:31:53 AM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region




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On my first Toposurface project. Using help, I have created Toposurface, created Graded Region by selecting the existing Toposurface and placed a Building Pad. I have also created the schedule for the Cut and Fill volume.

It is mentioned in the Help "If you add a building pad to a graded surface, you will see cut and fill reported separately for the pad and the toposurface in a topography schedule. This is because the pad divides the graded surface into 2 surfaces: one is the surface under the pad (the graded surface), and one is the surface that is not under the pad (the pad surface).You should name both the graded surface and the pad surface to distinguish them in your schedule".

Now I have 2 questions.


(1) With ref. to the attached views and schedule, could anyone please explain why the graded surface should show the Fill volume eventhough my Building Pad is well below the lowest elevation of Graded Region? (OR) Why the Cut and Fill volume for Graded Region should appear on the schedule?

(2) To arrive the exact Cut & Fill volume for a building on a site, do I need to add the volumes of Graded region and Building Pad from the Topography schedule? (as it is clearly visible on the schedule that the respective surface areas are to be added to equal with the Toposurface area.) 




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Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:14:45 PM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region




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Does anyone have an answer for this? I am having a similar issue where revit reports both cut and fill results for a pad that only cuts the surface. It also shows less than 1m3 cut for a pad 10m x 10m that is 1200mm below ground level.

While playing around one result showed the same cut / fill results for the same pad at 1000mm below ground and 500mm below ground


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Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 11:23:23 AM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region



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when you created your graded region, the program recalculated the surface and compared to the existing toposurface to obtain a slight variance, if you manipulate the graded region further you will see a difference in the volumes reported. secondaryly the volume reported for the pad seems correct as it is approximately 2.6m cut. this looks fairly consistent to me. perhaps you can expand on your question.

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Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:49:41 AM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region




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Just thought to share - if you are not aware!  

Cut volume includes thickness of Building pad. If you are creating a schedule for the sake of arriving the volume of cut, better keep the thickness of Building Pad to allowable minimum. OR place the Pad such that the bottom is on the original cutting plane.


BTW, I am still not clarified about the points (1) and (2) on my post above except the fact that there is a difference in volume.

Edited on: Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:50:16 AM

Edited on: Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:50:38 AM

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Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 10:53:10 AM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region



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I am assuming that you didn't modify, the split topo surface. The only way I know that the volumes would have been modified is that once cut the program recreates a new boundary of points which coincide with the adjacent points. In doing so the program then recreates the internal surface of the split. The recreated surface is just slightly different than the original, thus the very slight difference in volumes.

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Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 11:16:47 PM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region




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Thanks for the reply's.

 Here is what I have gathered from your reply's and from playing around a bit.

1. Once you add a pad to a topography revit atomatically adjusts the site to suit, even though it would probably not happen in real life, and thus reports a cut and fill result for the "new topography"

2. The cut and fill results apllicable to the pad are shown under the new part of the topography that is "created" by pad ie the area affected by the pad. This is the bit that confused me because with my site at the moment the pad shows no cut or fill. I have decided this is a one off glitch as revit reports cut and fill fine when we create a new topography and add a pad to it.


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Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 11:31:15 AM | Topography - Cut and Fill for Graded Region



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according to your table you created a graded region prior to creating a pad. this is when the small adjustment took place, not when the pad was created. If you create a pad on the existing topo, without a graded region there will not be the adjustment.

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