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RevitCity.com News from 2007
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2007-12-14 |
Organizational Suggestion System
We've just added a new system that will allow everyone to contribute to the organization of our object trees. You have been asking for better organization of the objects, and now you have the power . . . | 2007-12-01 |
Some minor tweaks
There was a programming error causing the list of recently uploaded objects to have old/wrong data. This has been corrected. We also added a job listed date on jobs, so that . . . | 2007-11-22 |
Happy Thanksgiving!
To those of our members based in the US, or that simply enjoy celebrating our holidays, Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful to all of our members who contribute, help others, and . . . | 2007-09-25 |
New Poll It's been a long while since we updated the poll on the site, but we finally got around to it. So if you stopped checking the poll because it was always the same, it's time to check again. | 2007-09-19 |
Database Bug Fixed
Revitcity was malfunctioning for a few days because of a database error. Everything should be working fine now. | 2007-03-03 |
Jobs Fields Corrected
A bug preventing the entry and display of 3 fields in the job information was found and corrected today. If you have created a job and intended to use either of the following three fields, please m . . . | 2007-02-05 |
Triple the RAM An additional 2 Gb of RAM was installed in the server today, so if you noticed the server go down for about 15 minutes, that's why. The additional RAM will help the server run faster, I increased . . . | 2007-01-31 |
More RAM on the way!
A few of you may have noticed the server go down about once a week for a few minutes. Our spam filter has been fighting with so much spam lately that it is occasionally chewing up most of the memor . . . |
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