Forums >> Community >> Newbies >> Need advice about Revit skills!
Joined: Wed, Sep 26, 2007
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Hi Friends, Since discovering Revit Arch. 2008 I have fallen in love. Ten years of AutoCAD work had almost decayed my brain with all of its endless changes and corrections to lines. With Revit I can look forward to actually being part of the design process instead of just a "red-line-fixer." It was my intention to spend six months really learning as much as I could about Revit, but now I may have to change that. You see, yesterday my wife lost her job. As you can understand, two unemployed in the same household just isn't an option. So I will have to approach prospective employers a little sooner than I would have liked. So here is my question. What do you consider the key Revit skills necessary to be hired by a design firm? I have worked through two workbooks and can pretty much put together a set of drawings for a simple residential/commercial project. I've modified families, done a few renderings, and just now working with site plans (even though I have three years experience using Land Development Desktop for a civil engineering firm). All in all I have about 25 years of building industry related experience, so you could say I know a fair amount about the way a building is put together. I know I can handle AutoCAD work, but would rather work with Revit if at all possible. Do you think I can land a Revit job? If not, what should I be working on in Revit to get to that point. Thanks so much for any help you can give. (Please overlook any typos, it's 2am and my sleepy brain is not very sharp).
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Joined: Mon, Jul 4, 2005
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Talk to your reseller and see if any new Reviteers are looking to bring in a hired gun to get them up to speed quickly. It may only be a 1 month gig but it could lead to others or maybe a long term arrangement. They may also have some firms that are on the fence between cad programs and this could be an opportunity for them to make the transition less painful.
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i would just submit the resume's and let the companies decide if your skill level in Revit along with your other quilifications is what they are looking for. Good Luck HTH
Edited on: Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 12:34:32 PM
best regards, coreed,aia bmpArchitects,Inc. "Revit has to be implemented, Not installed." Long Live Revit |
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Joined: Fri, Dec 14, 2007
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Where I am, in Michigan, I would say you could find a job modeling in Revit with some limited experience. The question asked most of me was if I had taken a job through the Construction Document phase. In my opinion, there are a good number of firms out there who are interested in making the transition from Acad to Revit. So any such experience you have will definatly help. Especially if you are good with people and can work with a small team of newbies to make this transition less painful.
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Joined: Thu, Feb 23, 2006
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Market yourself as someone that can come in an help implement the changeover to Revit. If it's an office already using ADT then, the staff has a headstart on the modeling and database mindset. Bring your portfolio of Revit work and convince the prospective employer that you can help train (there are enough available resources to pull this off), develop standards, assemble the documents ,meet milestones on the schedule and ultimately, meet the final deadlines. They already understand there will be a big learning curve but they need to feel confident that the bottom line can remain as profitable as possible throughout the entire transition. Good luck!!
Motorcity Job Captain VOA Associates, Inc. |
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Joined: Mon, Jan 29, 2007
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By the sound of your experience I think you definitely have the skills to be applying for Revit jobs. I had much less experience than you do and managed to land on my feet. I've been using revit for over two years now and I can't bare the thought of going back on AutoCAD (and by the sound of it you can't either). I think having any revit experience on your resume catches the eye of most employers these days, so get your Revit portfolio together and go get 'em!
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Joined: Fri, Nov 18, 2005
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I agree with Motorcity, market your self as as someone that can come in an help implement the changeover to Revit. Most times, firm's will choose candidates with 25 years construction/building industry experience over software experience. The software can be taught to anyone in a matter of months, but design and construction knowledge takes a lifetime to learn, in your resume I would really push your construction/architecture knowledge and have Revit as a side note or a minor subtopic. With you years of experience and knowledge you should have no problem finding your new niche in the industry.
Brandon Pike | Owner/BIM Specialist 
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Joined: Wed, Sep 26, 2007
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Thanks to all for the helpful replies. With your encouragement I contacted an architectural firm by email that was looking for someone with AutoCAD experience and said Revit familiarity would be a plus. Withing twenty minutes they emailed me back asking for a resume. Very encouraging. Haven't heard back yet, but it has only been two days. In the mean time I keep doing tutorials and cross my fingers. Thanks again.
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Joined: Tue, Aug 18, 2009
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I'm kind of in the same boat, I have 30 years as a contractor/manager and have completely fallen in love with revit since '07. I can do anything asked of me with revit arch, structure, and MEP and can go toe-toe with most designers, but don't have the slightest idea of what should be in my portfolio/resume listing all the skills would be a small novel and if i add my portfolio it would look like a set of encyclopedia. Can anyone get me pointed in the right direction?
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