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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Placing Parameters on Cover Sheet
Joined: Thu, Jul 5, 2007
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RAC 2008 - I want to place a title on our cover sheet which includes owner name, project name, project address, and project status. As far as i can tell, there is no way to directly add this information to a sheet. None of the annotations allow you to pick up project parameters. What I did do was create a titleblock that contains those parameters and then selected "Place Titleblcok" under VIEW - NEW. I also need to place owner name, owner address, & owner phone along with the project team. Again, in order to "share" the owner name, I need to create this as a titleblock. OR I can make it a blank text and you would have to put owner name in twice - this defeats the purpose of Revit. Anyone got a better solution? Seems like an awful waste to create all these annotations when you should link directly to the database and place data right on the sheet. Think of it as relational database reporting. THANKS.
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Joined: Fri, Apr 14, 2006
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Title blocks are created with labels. You can place the label and select the parameter you want to apply to that label. If you do not have the parameter you can create it as a shared parameter. You then load that parameter into the project and apply it to project information category. In the project you can go to Settings-->Project information and fill out the necessary parameter. Any label with that parameter applied will then fill in with the information in the Project Information dialog.
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Joined: Thu, Apr 10, 2008
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we are now in Revit 2010 and my firm is still wishing for this same capability. actually, the best for us way to do this would be to create a schedule to show the project parameter fields. we would like to be able to have a list of project parameters (i.e. yes or no parameters for necessary regulatory approvals, consultant names and addresses, project address, zoning, setbacks, etc.) but i can't figure out how to create this schedule, as the schedules appear to only pick up information that was related to a building element. is this now possible? if not, has anyone come up with a workaround? if nobody replies, i might try creating a dummy family (that would either be turned off by category in all project views or situated far away from the building model) with parameters associated to it in order to create schedules. i am somewhat new to revit, so any input would be appreciated.
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Joined: Thu, Apr 10, 2008
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haha, after additional online "research" it appears that someone else already had this idea for a workaround, and they have posted a very nice example at the following link. http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=108696&highlight=PROJECT+INFORMATION But I'm still submitting to the wishlist. :-)
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