Forums >> Community >> Newbies >> How to import my title block from AutoCAD?

Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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I am new with revit architecture and I am stuck in importing my dwg title block in revit without getting distoreted. My polylines, blocks and attributes they appeared scattered once imported into revit, any one can help me with this? Or will it be best to create a new title block from scratch?
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Your 2d linework should import just fine although you will not have any polylines. Just explode the titleblock and then to keep you projects clean, delete the line styles that were automatically created from the layer names. Everything will go to one line style which you can then change individually to REVIT lines you want. If you have any filleted corners that were polylines, you may want to check those out to make sure they didn't come in as line segments. Forget your AutoCAD block attributes. You will have to re-establish those using REVIT's parameters. This is relatively easy and a good learning task. Done correctly, you will come away with a lot of good knowledge like .... parameters. PS .... if you don't get it right the first time, it is easily changed.
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Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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WWHub, thanks for your input. I got something going, slowly but surely. Can you help me with creating parameters. When I create a label for my t-block revit has a parameter as a project address, how can I create a series of parameters such as, project address 1, projcet address 2, Client name 1, Client name 2. And what rfa stand for? Thanks
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First, just click on your open icon from within REVIT. If you click on the dreop-down under "files of type" you will see what file types REVIT supports. Second - Learn to use the REVIT help. It is really very good for almost everything. Search under parameter and you will get more information than I can give you here. Titleblocks - shared parameters and lablels are all covered when you search for parameter.
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WWHub, Do you have any idea why when I create my text and labels for my titleblock they print small in size i.e., an arial text of 1/8" Height prints half it size. I double check the hight in property element box and it is 1/8". I don't understand what I am missing?
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That never happens - you are reading something wrong. If you are editing your title block, select a text element - then look at it's properties. It will say Family: System Family Text - Type: (.... what ever your type name is for your text ... ) NOTE: It may be called Ariel 1/8" but that doesn't make it so.) Click on the edit / new button - now you will see the true text size for this text type. One of REVIT's great attributes is that all text will be set to print at the size you establish no mater what scale the drawing is. 1/8" will print 1/8 always unless you are scaling your plot to fit when you print the view or sheet.
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Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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I am puzzled by the text hight. I did check on the the text element property box fot the hight and every thing else you mentioned but no luck. Do you think that the problem lies in revit when I use the training file/Titleblocks/D-36x24.rft? or maybe when I import/Link/CAD Format/my dwg title block affects the unist in revit? I noticed that my text from my dwg title block becomes smaller once imported in revit. Correct me if I'm wrong, to start a title block from scratch without importing anything do you start by menu File\Titleblocks\New Size.rft or File\Family...? How can I change a titleblock in a project without having to erase the views on the Sheet (all)? I have a titlblock already loaded in a project that I want replace. Is there a way to update changes maid to floor plan in a view sheet in titleblock. This might sound confusing but when creating a view por the sheet I create a copy of floor pland with detailing and this is the copy that I load up to my view and not the original. However when I make changes to the original the changes do not reflect in the copy nor in the viewport sheet. Thank you.
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Whoa! Did you say import / link? I have been going under the assumption that we are dealing with REVIT elements. A linked AutoCAD drawing is what it is and that is scalable when you import it or even afterwards. I would not link or even leave an imported AutoCAD drawing as part of my title block. Explode it and it becomes REVIT text and REVIT linework. To change a title block in an existing file, first I assume you have Titlebloak A & Titleblock B already loaded in the project and you have been using Titleblock A. Just open the drawing sheet, select the border and it's name should show up in the first pull down on the options bar. Use the pulldown and select Titleblock B. VOILA ! Your done. All of your views are still there, the sheet has the correct title information & sheet number (assuming both titleblocks use the same parameters). You may have to re-adjust where your views are because of sheet size / layout.
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Yes I did explode the dwg file and then the text that is supposed to be 1/8" size becomes smaller, then I create a new text in revit of size of 1/8" when I plot for result and I meauser it the size is 1/16". Anyways to solve this problem if I need a text of 1/8" in size a make it double (1/2" and when it prints, it print at a size of 1/8". Do you know who to make an arched text?
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I don't understand why the text size won't print the specified text, could it be the type of text I am using. I started a titleblock from scratch and without any external reference (image or dwg files) and I am using the BankGothic Md BT text and whe I specified a text size of 1/8" the out put is different. I go through the whole process when creating a text in the element properties box and I specified the text to be 1/8" in height or size. Anyways the output is smaller I can even tell by eye and to confirm it I create reference plain bottom to top of text to measure it and it is smaller and when I print it I double confirm it.
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Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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WWHub, Check the attached title block. In the lower right corner I dimensionded the BankGothick text you will see that when I create a text 3/8" in size in not really 3/8". However, the the Arial text keep the size specified in the element prop box.
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Your problem does appear to be your font. I'm not familiar with the one you are using but something is worng with it.
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Joined: Fri, Aug 24, 2007
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I think so too is the font, but this font comes with Revit, not only in revit but also in autocad and other software. unlike revit in autocad if I assinged the font to be 1/8" it prints 1/8". I think the problem lies w/ the intertaction of this in font and revit. I will contact Autodesk about this. Thank you for all the help.
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