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Forums >> Community >> The Studio >> REVIT ANSWERS DIRECTLY

Joined: Sun, Apr 23, 2006
265 Posts
you know what guys- somebody who knows revit well could make a fortune just answering revit questions one after the other by phone for say a dollar or two per question.. as it is now the only way i know is to POST a question and MAYBE someone will take a stab at it in a day or two.. or maybe someone wants to get rich just replying to email revit questions during business hours that would work too.. if i knew revit really well i would set up a revit hot line and rake in the dough.. has the idea of getting revit questions answered directly EVER crossed anyones mind? or maybe this already exists somewhere but i just don't know about it.. speak sombody plz..
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Joined: Fri, Apr 14, 2006
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That is a nice idea, but I personally appreciate the people who came up with Revit City. This Forum based database can pull from the expertise of many different individuals worldwide and also its a searchable database. I would have loved to have this years ago for other Autodesk Programs. I admit it would be nice to have a direct answer sometimes but it seems to me that there are enough people viewing this site that you shouldn't have to wait very long to at least get a thread started. A lot of the time if a question is not answered it is because it wasn't specific enough.
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Joined: Thu, Jul 21, 2005
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Autodesk does offer, through its subscription service, a hotline email and phone number. I think the phone service is a little more expensive, but the email service guarantees that someone will answer your question within so many business days. But honestly, the people here at Revitcity that take the time to answer questions know more about Revit than the people paid to staff the hotlines do. (no offense if anyone that staffs the hotlines is reading, but that's just my experience). For a comparison, a couple of times I've posted a question here and sent it to our subscription answers page, and both times Revitcity has answered the question faster and more thoroughly than the pay service. So it might be nice, but I doubt that one person will ever have the breadth of knowledge required to answer every Revit question. Just my 2 cents
Ruth Rau Main Street Architecture, P.C. |
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Joined: Sun, Apr 23, 2006
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wow that's a good point that there is no one revit expert with all the answers.. but at revitcity there are many experts.. i'm just always exploring ideas to help me climb this revit mountain.. thanks very much for the reply..
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