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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Revit 2008 Groups
Joined: Thu, Oct 13, 2005
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Has anyone had a chance yet to test out groups in Revit 2008? I'm curious as to see how all of the improvments to groups and links actually work throughout a project. My boss seems to be very gung-ho on the idea of turning groups into links, because he feels that it will decrease project size and help other issues. I'm not sure if there are any real advantages or disadvantages either way. So I guess my main question is has anyone tried the new groups yet, and what are your first impressions.
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Yes Links will reduce file size but they still have limitations as their elements cannot be tagged etc. For this reason a good workflow would be to create the elements, group then convert to a link and copy around the project as necessary. When it comes to when you need to tag elements you can covert the link back to a group. I haven't used the new groups live in a full multi-res project yet, but will no doubt do it soon. I have tested the new functionalities and they all work well. IE: the ability to exclude certain elements from individual instances of groups.
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Joined: Thu, Oct 13, 2005
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What other limitations do links have besides tagging? I know you can schedule linked files. Also, when you like a file, the base level of the linked file automatically displays in any elevation/section view. I cannot seem to find a global setting to turn it off everywhere, it would be a pain if you have to turn them off in every view individually. Do you or anyone else know of any global setting to turn off the levels in links? Thanks.
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Joined: Tue, Aug 8, 2006
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I have it set up in my view templates for linked levels to be off. That ends up being the fastest way to turn the levels off.
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Joined: Thu, Oct 13, 2005
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Blake maybe I'm just blind or something but I can't seem to find where to turn off linked levels in the view templates. Do you have to have all of the links in the project before you can turn the levels off or is there a setting to turn them off before bringing it into the project. I can see the Levels optition under Annotations but there isnt any options for links unless I load a link. It seems like there should be a way to turn off levels on all Revit linked files. Revit defintitely recognizes leves seperately, because when binding a link you are given the option to include the levels or not.
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Joined: Tue, Aug 8, 2006
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Under visibility graphic in the revit links tab, you have to select the By Host View and change it to custom then in the Revit links display that opens up you have to turn off the levels under that annotation. The link has to be in the file to do that.
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