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Forums >> General Discussion >> Wishlist >> I wish Revit had the same drawing commands available as AutoCAD!!

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Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 12:28:03 PM | I wish Revit had the same drawing commands available as AutoCAD!!




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For a lot of you that have been working with Revit, I am sure you are comfortable working with the drawing commands available in Revit.  The truth is, it takes so much more time to do a drawing when creating an element in a family with the Revit drawing tools available.  Can we please have more drawing commands available? Also, when I right click, I want my cut, copy, paste, rotate, etc. commands that are available in AutoCAD.  Does anybody really ever use the zoom comands on right click anymore?  I thought most everyone was using their scroll wheel on their mouse to pan, zoom in and zoom out! And if your not, you need to spend $10 and get a mouse that has one, because without it, a drawing would take 10 times longer to create drawings. 

Yes, I am new to Revit, but am I the only one who thinks this? If Autodesk wants people to be able to transition easily from AutoCAD to Revit, then they need to incorporate some of the same drafting principles that they started with. 

Any chance this gets to the programers at Autodesk for future releases of Revit?


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Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 1:06:43 PM | I wish Revit had the same drawing commands available as AutoCAD!!




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you should check out the keyboard shortcuts. they'll help you tremendously. for instance ZA (for zoom all) is 2 keystrokes in Revit whereas in AutoCAD it's 4. You can even create your keyboard shortcuts down to one key if you like. I hardly ever use any of the icons on the tool bar. I use the browser and design bar more than anything.


there are a few grumblings about certain parts of Revit as with any program. You will not find one person here that is ever going back to AutoCAD......ever. Except maybe for the occasional transfer of certain files to Revit.


Take a deep breath, let it sink in, it's not AutoCAD. If it were like AutoCAD, then it would be called AutoCAD. Try checking out Daryl has some great free video tutorials and also a complete package for a minimal price. Check out some blogs for tips. Check here and also AUGI. Use the download section here to your advantage.


Once you get the hang of Revit, you will be drawing immensely faster. You can't think of it as like AutoCAD because it isn't. One of the great things about Revit is technically you can't make a drawing mistake. Meaning, you draw your model and if you move something, it updates everywhere FOR you. Even on your drawing sheets. A client asks you to move a window, you will be happy you don't have to redraw 15 sheets because something moved. 


Create your model, create it the way it's supposed to be built in the field as best and accurately as you can and your documentation will drop right in place. It will take time just like any programs learning curve. You have people here willing to answer question, so ask away.


I use a wheel mouse BTW as I'm sure everyone else does here too.


And also, the family editor is difficult, yes, but it will be your best friend in Revit once you get the hang of it.  

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Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 5:44:35 PM | I wish Revit had the same drawing commands available as AutoCAD!!




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I agree with you 100% about everything Revit has to offer and its mistake proof drawing models.  That is not the problem I have with Revit.  And just for the record, I love Revit & all it has to offer! 3D drawing in AutoCAD is not all that user friendly either.  The problem I have is when I am trying to create a new door or a window or some sort of object that needs to be drawn first in 2D (I think you might have called it the family editor).  There seems to be a severe lack of commands available to make it easy and user friendly.  Anybody that uses both programs every day, as I do, Im sure will agree with me.  When Revit offers the functions I need for quick 2D multi parcel site layouts, I am sure we will switch.  But until that happens we are going to have to live with AutoCAD for a while longer. 

Im sure it gets easier with time as any software does.  I am simply making that comment in hopes that someday somebody might say over at the Revit compound where they write the software, "Hey guys, we might want to spend a little more time on this area to make it better"! And according to the last line in your sentence, it sounds like we can both agree.  Thanks for your input... 

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Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 6:32:46 PM | I wish Revit had the same drawing commands available as AutoCAD!!



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The secret to learning Revit is to empty your mind of all things CAD (especially AutoCAD).

I use both (I have to use AutoCAD at work), and it takes a little while each time I use Revit to stop thinking I'm producing drawings (i.e. creating linework) and creating an actual model.

The classic was when I was trying to draw adjoining property boundaries in Revit. I kept drawing property lines as if in AutoCAD, a single line between properties. But of course in Revit each property has to have 4 lines to enclose it, because Revit models the reality, not a graphic representation of it.

Persevere, just the drawing, detail and tagging co-ordination in Revit makes it worthwhile, even if all you produce is 2D drawings.

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