Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Light and Ventilation Schedule
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Has anyone created a multi-category schedule with shared parameters?
I'm trying to create a light and ventilation schedule which is a code requriement here in NY. Essentially the square footage of glazing in each bedroom needs to equal 8% of the room floor area. SImilarly, the ventilation square footage (window opening) needs to equal 4% of floor area.
Seems like Revit should be able to handle this within a schedule. However, I can't figure out how to get the Area parameter into a window schedule so that I can do the math. Grouping and filtering the windows isn't a problem if I use a multi-category schedule (group by room, filter for only windows that have lite/vent variables). But, the area of the room is not an available field in the multi-category shcedule.
If I start with a room schedule then I have the Area filed and can create shared parameters but I can't figure out how to bring in the window instances.
SOmebody must have done this? This is a fudnamental requirement for all buildings in NY and it would really stink to have to export to excel to do the silly little calculation when it appears Revit should have this capability.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks.
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Another request would be to add a lite and vent field to the door schedule as well.
The end result would be 3 schedules - 1 window, 1 door, 1 Light/Vent.
The Light/Vent schedule would pull all the doors and windows that have numbers in the light or vent field. These instances would be grouped by room. The room area would also be pulled. The total room square footage would be divided by the total light area for each room. This would give you a nice schedule to impress the building inspector.
If revit can't do that than I think it would be cool if could.
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I agree with you, in fact over here, we have the same requirements as well but different municipal councils have different standards and requirements. I have seen in KL, the submission requires the same schedule to be included in the plan.
btw, I did try to do the percentage thing over revit. If only your wall in regular rectangular or square shape (irregular shape, I believe it does not applied, or does it?), hope you notice that once you insert a window over your wall, your wall area got reduce. If only if you can calculate back the initial wall area (using calculated value), and create another calculated value to get the percentage of opening (by dividing the area over initial wall area), you should get your percentage of opening.
Problem here is in wall schedule, we don't have height indicated in wall schedule, in order to get the height , we have to divide the volume with height & width (basic convertion concept tell me that it should revert it back to the height) and once you got the height, continue to get your initial wall area by multipling with length then follow by percentage calculation. Actually, I didn't follow thru the whole process but I think it should work (but only for regular wall shape only)..
Please finish the whole process and let me know whether it works or not.
Thanks & regards
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Sorry, correction to my approach.. we can't use volume to calculate height or area in this case because volume also got substrated once we put in the window...d*mn smart this software. I think the way to go around this is to create a new instance parameter first call initial volume and before you insert the window, check the volume in your schedule and key it in to your schedule one by one, then divide them with your wall width to get your initial wall area (this will applied to all shape of wall but your wall width must be constant). Only for there you divide your area with initial wall area to get your ventitlation & opening percentage schedule
Good Luck
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I have also been experimenting with the creation of a Light and Vent Schedule. The problem I have is having all the info listed in One schedule instead to four separate schedules that I need to slide together to appear as one schedule. First: Room Schedule- Shows room name / SQFT and required 8% for light of that room. Second: Window schedule adds all actual light SQFT for each room. Third: Room Schedule: Shows required Vent for each room. Fourth: Window Schedule- adds all actual vent for that room. Doors have to be separate schedules and could be added into the Window Schedule for possible light and egress listings. If I could get the Multi-catagory Schedule to add parameters for Rooms,Windows&Doors fields for one schedule I could make one schedule for Light/Vent/Egress. Any ideas for applying Shared Parameters to these fields for one Schedule? Or Making a Multi-catogory Schedule adding parameters for several different fields?
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This is exactly what I want to do to. I haven't had time to play with it other than to look at all these forums and augi and it is pretty clear that it can't be done. Please someone tell me that I'm wrong or at least some good work around. FMCustom seems to be on the right track of at leas a work around.
It seems like the room area is not available to a window schedule and that is the key. ALso, you need to make a schedule that is grouped by room and lists all doors, windows, skylights with their lite and ventilation values and totals for each room. Then do the math to calculate %. However, I can't even get a skylight to show up on a window schedule.
This is an international building code requirement. How are other people doing this????? If we can't use Revit to satisfy building code than what is the point of BIM. Help??? I'm not even looking for a quick fix just one that works.
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There is a way to do this that John Herridge posted at AUGI. You can check it out there and decide for yourselves how it works for you?
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i can get you to schedule daylight opeing for each window as well as your clear openings which are for egress. how you can combine all into 1 i have not figured out but with the additonal catogories it shuld help.
to get a scheduled daylight opeing you need to got to fields in your window schedule and add some catagories if they ar not there. lets say your window sah height and width. with these added you can now chose calculated value and enter a formula to multiply your 2 new catagories together and then multiply them by 2. will give you a total sash window area or glazing for your window. namke that catogories daylight opeing or what ever you would like. doing the same thing for egress you can add your wo catagories for clear openings for your window in height and width. adn do a calculatd value for those 2 entries and that will give you your net clear opeing for egress.
from here down is where i am not sure if it can be done "sci fi"
if you could have a "in room" catagory for the window you are trying to calculate, why then could you not make a catagory to add the room area to that same schedule.not reall sure about the bottom half but the top i am positve works because i use it that way.
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one more thing you could doat that point figure a new catagory and caculated value to show the windo aer that the window will pcurseper cade and then the y could cross reference you room area schedule and window schedukle to see that they work together.
Post edited on 2005-01-14 14:53:09
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This may be a little late to help the original posters since this thread is pretty old, but I have posted a more simplified solution to this problem than the ones listed above on my blog. Hopefully, it can help someone else out who is now looking for a solution to this and may have stumbled upon this post and find it helpful. Check it out:
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