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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Objects showing in wrong plan view
Joined: Wed, Oct 1, 2008
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I am remodeling an existing home. I have drawn the existing floor plan, objects in this view are "Phase Created = Existing"; Phase Demolished = None". Have some dimensions and thats it. Created a new plan view using just "Duplicate". Added some objects and change the properties of the obects to be demolished. All my new stuff is showing up in my Existing Floor plan? I really dont understand how revit wants us to create demo plans with nice dashed lines of objects to be demolished and new plans but have read the online stuff and am trying to follow along.
Can anyone help ?
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I wrote this back in 2015 and it still applies:
Sorry but that is the way Revit works. We have learned that there is no such phase as demolished. Demolish is an activity in a phase and that should be new. You can work in a phase so anything new will be in that phase. When you copy these item, immediately look at their properties and reset them to be demolished in the appropriate phase.
You have to think differently about Revit phases than we normally do. The first rule to understant is basically, there are only two 'phases', existing and new. We are really talking about visibility here, not our conventional project phasing.
- EXISTING - exactly what it says - something that is there when you start (something in a previous phase)
- NEW - What is added or changed.
- You can have as many NEW phases as you want but each time you switch to a new phase, all previous items are now existing.
So consequently, there is never any activity in existing phase. You only really demo in the new phase and you only build in a new phase. If you want to demo in a phase called demo, then fine - but it will be a new phase at the beginning with all existing items being in the original 'EXISTING' phase. Then you can create something like Phase I where everything preceeding is 'previous' in phase filter settings which in this case would be your original existing and your demo.
You can still have a 'phase' called demo but no need. If you create in Existing and demo in new, a view setting of new phase/show previos + demo will work for your 'demo phase' and a setting of new phase/show previous + new works for your new items without demo.
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