Joined: Wed, May 2, 2012
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First of all, I have to reiterate, No I'm not referring to the Thumbnail of the RFA file.
What i'm asking is if there's a way to reorient the thumbnail in the PROJECT when you load the Family, the thumbnail you see at corner of instance properties. Also I'm particularly concerned with the angle, not just rotating the Family thumbnail, because currently it seems the thumbnail in project is only at 120 degree isometric, is there a way to change that to plan, elevation, or obtuse angle orientation?
We are having a headache with this request by our very keen to details Japanese client. Is there a solution to this? or we have to say no this time?
I hope you understood my question as a lot of people are already instructing me instructions for thumbnail setting of the file itself when that is not my question. And no, they are not the same, we tested. Appparently, the project do not inherit the set RFA thumbnail to its property thumbnail. Thank you!
Edited on: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 4:16:01 AM
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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Regretably, the Revit family has always been built backwards and that is what is used in the project. I put in several times for a different means of showing families in the project to something that at least shows the front of the object. I tought about building all of my families backwards but this is not a solution.