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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Locating a Coordinate...
Joined: Fri, Mar 20, 2015
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I have uploaded a topographical survey.
I have placed the building and the various site items. However there are small changes made to a critical boundary wall. I have been provided with coordinates to place the item but...
How do i place a wall at a specific coordinate in Revit...?
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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Find your survey base point and go from that.
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Joined: Fri, Mar 20, 2015
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I have my survey base point 10000, 10000 [for arguements sake] and i have 0,0 correct. I dont see [or know] how that helps me finding an ambiguous 104.962E, 99.202N point on my setting out plan.
In AutoCAD i would type the coord in...Revit doesnt afford me that option does it? I may be missing something?
I only have the spot coordinate function which requires a point to attach its self. That point doesnt exist in my drawing as yet... as i have been given the coordinates by the survey to insert into the drawing.
Apologies if i am missing something blatently obvious here...
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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You said you had a site survey. A typical survey has a base point, all property lines using bearings and distance, and it may include topographical information. Under the massing and site tab is the property line tab. Using that, you can lay out the property according to the survey.
I prefer to use the table because it is far easier to enter the data like the one shown below.
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Joined: Fri, Mar 20, 2015
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Thats a great help and i know how to do it in the future...
I have cheated in that i went back to the AutoCAD file and entered it there...
Much appreicated!
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I just cheated on a project to get an approximate real location of my survey point. The survey showed the center of an intersection which you can see on my image above but no coordinates were given.
I un-paperclipped my survey point and moved it to that location but the NS/EW coordiates where not set correctly. I went to google maps and visulally picked the center of that street intersection. Not exact but it gives you real world coordinates good enough for sun studies. With the suvey pont still un-paperclipped, I set the coordinates and the survey point moves. Now you can re-paperclip it and move it to the correct location.
In google maps, you can enter the NS,EW coordinates and it will go to that location.
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