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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Pattern Based Panel - Curved Issue v2015

Joined: Sat, Sep 4, 2010
173 Posts
I'm trying to make a Pattern Based Curtain Panel family that is curved. In other families, including adaptive families I've been able to do this by setting a reporting length parameter between the adaptive points, create a reference line between those points, set workplave to that reference line, draw arc on that plane and create a radius parameter that will be adjustable and stay constrained between the adaptive points. This behavior appears to be prohibited in pattern based families. Um, okay Revit...rules should be similar here I would think. I've also tried to create the adpative component family despite this short coming and place in the pattern based family, but once in the project, the component doesn't stay relative to the placement points. Something fishy is going on here. Has anyone had success getting this to work?
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It would seem that you have the end points of your arc locked to the plane and not the points. I think thats what you are asking.
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Joined: Sat, Sep 4, 2010
173 Posts
It doesn't appear that they can be either...I tried that as well and they continued to disobey the constraints. I abandoned it since it wasn't working and instead made an adaptive component family that snapped to points on offset curved surfaces instead. It's too bad the other doesn't work, but the adpative ended up being smarter and easier in the end. Thanks for your reply.
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