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Forums >> Revit Structure >> Technical Support >> Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?

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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:07:17 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?




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In the first pic, I made the base offset of the wall -2'-0". It worked perfectly. (it even placed the wall below the wall openings.)

In the second pic, the same wall type does not cooperate. If I enter a base offset of -2'-0", the wall outline extends, but the actual wall parts do not. If I manually drag via grips, or put the Base Extension as -2'-0", only certain parts extend down. Not to mention I have no wall below the openings.

What am I missing?

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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:17:54 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?



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You first image doesn't mean much since the properties shown are not for anything in the image.  We can't really see what you are talking about.


In the second image, we don't know which layers are pulled up from the base.



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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:32:40 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?




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My bad. I assumed the 1st pic would be easier to view the way I did it. (good detective work though Smile )

Here is another corner. (see attached) 

The wall on the right behaved perfectly.

The highlighted wall did not. Both have a Base Offset of -2'-0".

Could the issue somehow be related to how to walls join? (see red arrow in pic).



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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:53:12 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?




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I may have solved this (somewhat).

When I Reset the Profile of the problem wall, it performs like it should. (the bad wall had an altered profile, the good wall did not)

Is it that alterting the profile of a wall will cause it to not function like a wall that is not profile-altered?

I assume I need to edit the wall profile and draw it down -2'-0" and underneath the wall openings.





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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:56:04 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?



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Still not sure what you are showing us.   The corner join should not matter and yours does not appear to be joined at all.


You image looks like your wall only has two layers and we can't tell which one is the base layer - inside or outside - looking at the corner, the outside layer appears to be the base with the inside layer pulled up.


How did you create your openings?   I'm pretty sure its a wall sketch because of the grip that shows...... And thinking that - you sketched it before you pulled the wall up/down.... and voila!   The wall sketched opening goes all the way to the wall base.   So edit the wall skech and see if that's true.

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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:01:04 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?




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I may have solved this (somewhat).

When I Reset the Profile of the problem wall, it performs like it should. (the bad wall had an altered profile, the good wall did not)

Is it that alterting the profile of a wall will cause it to not function like a wall that is not profile-altered?

I assume I need to edit the wall profile and draw it down -2'-0" and underneath the wall openings.





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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:10:07 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?




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WWHub wrote:"How did you create your openings?   I'm pretty sure its a wall sketch because of the grip that shows...... And thinking that - you sketched it before you pulled the wall up/down.... and voila!   The wall sketched opening goes all the way to the wall base.   So edit the wall skech and see if that's true."


These are walls copy/monitored from an Architects Model then switched to Structure/Bearing.

Editing the wall sketch did the trick.

Thank you WWHub.... Imagine learning Revit on your own, having no coworkers to ask these questions, then get hoisted into a super complex, multi-million dollar project with multiple buildings where most things are curved, tapered, slanted, sloped, cantilevered, etc. Well, that is me. I will probably ask more questions as long as you will have me here.

It's funny after I edited the profile, Revit told me this.....(see attached)

I'm like "That's what I was trying to do, Revit!" lol



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Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:53:52 PM | Wall Base Offset... one works, one doesn't. Why?



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You are right!   Learning Revit alone is not near as good as learning in an open office with multiple people.   Each one contributes to the knowledge of others when they ask questions or share their discoveries.   That is how I learned initially then by teaching others.  Teaching and answering questions also helps you to learn.  


My years here have been very worthwhile to me and our office.   Every time someone like you that asks a valid question, I learn something .... and hopefully, so do others that read these threads.  I do get a little cranky when members ask questions and you know they didn't even try to find an answer or didn't try to use the HELP....<< But that is just a result of my old age.

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