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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations

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Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:32:55 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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I have a topo surface that was probably built using relative elevation points that are not reflecting the real elevations from sea level. Everything else in the project is relative to sea level but the topo surface points are relative to some strange 0.0 located who knows where. I found that both the Project Base Point and the Survey Point are located really far down as if they were the real sea level so that when you use Spot elevation for any object of the project, it will display the real elevation relative to sea level. The problem is with this Topo surface points that I cannot change them to display elevations relative to sea level (absolute elevations). How do I do to change this?

Thank you.

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Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:48:58 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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I suspect the topo was built in relation to the default first floor.  That may or may not relate to your first floor.


You can set point elevation tags to read relative to survey or to a reference level.  You should create both in your project and note them accordingly.


You should probably relocate the project and survey points and their numbers.  Watch this video to help you understand these.


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Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 11:32:40 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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I watched that video before but it only talks about the differences between Survey point and Project Base point, but my problem is that I already have a topo surface that when I try to edit it, I click on each of its points and they display an elevation that is not relative to the Survey point nor to the Project base point but instead they are relative to a third 0.0 that I don't know where it is or how can I change it to match the real Survey Point.

Both my Survey point and Project Base point are set at -166' which is sea level, but then when I edit the topo surface, this one has points elevations that are in between -10'  - 0'  -  10', so they refer to some other reference.

I don't want to just display the right elevations with Spot coordinates on the topo, I want the topo to have real point elevations referring to the Survey point. I don't want to move all the model up, there should be a way to change that strange 0.0 wherever that is...

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Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 12:50:31 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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Did you read this?  "...or to a reference level..."   Did you look at this in elevation or section?   I expect that First Floor is at 0.


From your elevation, move the site up or down to where it belongs.


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Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 5:37:42 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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If I add a Spot elevation to the first floor, it displays 166', so nothing in the model is at 0.0... Don't know where is the topo surface referencing to...

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 7:47:43 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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You are not reading our responses.   LOOK AT THIS IMAGE!

Show us an elevation that shows your level and your site!


In my second image, I have a site (flat) that was originally created at first floor which was then the 0 level PROJECT.   Then I moved the survey and project points.  I show all three possible spot elevations and as you can see, the site is at 0 RELATIVE

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 8:47:24 AM | WWHub




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Quoting WWHub from 2015-01-23 07:47:43


You are not reading our responses.   LOOK AT THIS IMAGE!

Show us an elevation that shows your level and your site!


In my second image, I have a site (flat) that was originally created at first floor which was then the 0 level PROJECT.   Then I moved the survey and project points.  I show all three possible spot elevations and as you can see, the site is at 0 RELATIVE


This is an image that I think it is self explanatory of the problem. I don't find any way to change the points elevation reference.

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:12:21 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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I'll try one more time.  I've asked you to show us an elevation a couple of times.

The points you are looking at on the site plan are all RELATIVE!!! to the level they were created from.  

  1. Edit the site
  2. select a point and tag it with a survey base elevation tag.  (MUST BE SURVEY REFERENCE !!!!)
  3. Let's say it tags 10'  and you know it should be 2683.46' (SURVEY) ...
  4. goto the mysterious elevation you won't show us
  5. from the modify tab choose move then select the site
  6. now move the site up 2683.46' minus 10' !!!!

When you try to edit the site again, the points will still be strange numbers to you because they are still RELATIVE to that original reference but ALL elevation tags (SURVEY, PROJECT, RELATIVE) will be correct based on your survey and project locations.

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:33:44 PM | WWHub




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Quoting WWHub from 2015-01-23 10:12:21


I'll try one more time.  I've asked you to show us an elevation a couple of times.

The points you are looking at on the site plan are all RELATIVE!!! to the level they were created from.  

  1. Edit the site
  2. select a point and tag it with a survey base elevation tag.  (MUST BE SURVEY REFERENCE !!!!)
  3. Let's say it tags 10'  and you know it should be 2683.46' (SURVEY) ...
  4. goto the mysterious elevation you won't show us
  5. from the modify tab choose move then select the site
  6. now move the site up 2683.46' minus 10' !!!!

When you try to edit the site again, the points will still be strange numbers to you because they are still RELATIVE to that original reference but ALL elevation tags (SURVEY, PROJECT, RELATIVE) will be correct based on your survey and project locations.


Yes, I did that and everything is solved, but all the model is now 2683.46' up and I don't want that because it ruins my project and all the sheets layout, so I was wondering if there is another way to do it by changing the mysterious reference the topo surface is referencing to.

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:11:59 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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So now the site is in the right place - move the project to match.  All the views and annotations will work.

( Please tell me you really didn't move it  2683.46' but instead the actual amount you needed)

Edited on: Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:14:22 PM

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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 5:41:43 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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No, that is exactly what I don't want to do. I don't want to move the project. All sheets will be f. up. Instead I want to know what is the topo surface referencing to and just move that reference.

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Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 8:45:52 AM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations

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Sorry but you are incorrect.   If you move the project correctly, it will have no affect on views or annotations.

The relocate function modifies the placement of all elements in the project and any import instances that are not linked. In addition, any linked instances that are not at shared positions move relative to all linked instances at shared positions.

Watch the video again and read this:


Edited on: Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 9:56:56 AM

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Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:27:44 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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Thank you!

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Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:30:45 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations




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For future visitors to this thread:

hgrimberg was asking if it's possible for the topo points to reference a different origin than the built in / hard coded / immutable / Project Start Up Point coordinate system.

The short asnwer is no, it's not possible.  They will always refer to this coordinate system, making life difficult when editing individual points.


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Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:14:57 PM | Topo surface points change from relative to absolute elevations



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To modify your comment about modification of sketched topography.  The topo can be moved and all elevation points and contours will be correct.   If you now edit the sketch, all points will be relative to how the sketch was moved.


I should modify this.   All elevation points if tagged will be correct!  The edit points will not be survey though.  They will still be relastive to the start first floor.

Edited on: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:35:02 AM

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