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Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:09:04 AM | revisions display issue




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Using Revit LT 2014......setting up a custom title block.....adding all appropriate bits.....going ok......load into project.....start laying out sheet and adding project info.....going ok.....go to activate the revisions info.....then i get this (see attached - no check boxes available in Revisions on Sheet box)....therefore cant check them to get info to show......details are in Sheet Issues/Revisions. Have i got something wrong in here or have i missed something in the making of the revisions schedule in the custom titleblock....or is Revit just getting funky on me? Help. Thanks.

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Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 7:59:38 AM | revisions display issue



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Since we don't know if you built your titleblock correctly, I don't think we can answer you.


Did you add a revision on the sheet?  Did you fill in the data for the revision under the manage tab?

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Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:22:22 PM | revisions display issue



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Im not sure how you got to this dialogue box. But a revision schedule is created easily enough in your titleblock family by clicking "Revision Schedule" under the insert tab.

Then add your revisions within the project environment.

Edited on: Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:23:24 PM

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Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 6:00:05 PM | revisions display issue




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i'm not sure how i got this dialouge box either. i've been using revit since 2009 and have made custom title blocks on mulitiple occasions as per the ways and means Revit allows one to do so. I've added a revision on the sheet and filled in the data for the revision under the manage tab in this instance, and thought I'd gone about it all the same as all the other occasions where it all worked fine.

I just droped an existing revit titleblock template into a fresh project to check it out and the same dialouge box comes up, unable to check revisions on or off (see attached). this is the first time i've been using an LT product but it should still work the same way as regular Revit right? is it something to do with my instalation of Revit LT 2014? is it the file itself? i don't have another Revit to check it on. Is this one for the good people of Autodesk?

This dialouge box is a mystery.

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Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 4:44:47 AM | revisions display issue




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After an uninstal & reinstal and service pack download, some further investigation and some input from the good people at autodesk and reseller CADgroup, I have come to know this.....

For starters, there were no family libraries or templates loaded up as part of the original software install (either download from web or instal from media)....which was none to handy.


Anywho....overcame that by getting an upload from CADgroup that contained all that data. Giddy-up, back in the game.


Next, no one at autodesk or CADgroup could explain the mystery revisions check box issue. So I open up a new drawing with a newly aquired template & families and load in the custom title block I works fine. the original file with the 1st project I created still has the problem but it seems that all future projects will be functioning ok.

And then with the corrupt file caper, both autodesk and CADgroup were stumped by that one too, but I came across some other punters out there having some difficulties in this area. apparently there is a workaround to get around such a the link to know more...

Good reviting to all.

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:43:38 PM | revisions display issue




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So i know this thread is old, but I'm having issues with this as well.

I think I've figured out the issue but wanted to see if anyone had any new thoughts.

I created a titleblock (multiple titleblocks). I also use one of the OTB titlelbocks. I load these titleblocks in to three templates. One of the templates is the OTB "none" template. The other template is the "Construction" template, the third template is a self made template that was based on the "none" template.

I get the same issue, with all of my titleblocks and sheets as the original poster of this thread when I'e used the "none" template as a base template. The Construction template works fine. All of the titlelblocks work in the Construction template, but not the other two. It's as if the Revision parameters don't exist in that "none" template. I can make a rev cloud, i can tag it...but can't schedule. But the same commands, titleblocks, etc. work in a different template when it's any of the other OTB templates.


Has anyone else come to this realization or figured something different??

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:18:27 PM | revisions display issue



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May I assume that when you say templates, you are talking about project templates, not family templates.


We have no way of knowing how your templates may have changed but we can tell you that the titlebock family works the same in all disciplines (templates).  What may be different, and probably are different, are the project and view settings.

Spend some time with your HELP under the revision area.  Make sure the revision sequence is set the way you want under Manage/addition settings/ revisions and that revisions are on in the view that is sheeted (if you place the bubble in the sheet) or that revisions are on in the view of the sheet if you place them on the sheet.  << We always place clouds on sheets.

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:26:58 PM | revisions display issue




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Correct, the templates are project templates not family templates.

And yes, one of the templates has changed because of stuff I have done. However two of the templates are out of the box templates.

I'm pretty familiar with the revision commands in parameter so I know it isn't the sequences etc.

I've attached three files for you to look at.

The titleblock test rfa is a titleblock we made with a few revision parameters as labels as well as a generic revision schedule on it.

The other two files are project files created from out of the box revit templates with no additional input. I literally just made them and saved them. You can load the titleblock into both project files and notice that when you draw a revision on the sheet, that in the none template project file the revisions don't show up/schedule. But in the other file they do.

This is the issue I'm having and am not sure if it's a code issue with the program. I find it very odd that the titleblock works in one place and not another and both are out of the box templates.

I appreciate you looking into this! Thanks!

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:41:14 PM | revisions display issue



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The family and template work just fine.


BTW - What are you using.  You should always state that when you post here.  I used Revit 2015 but some sort of message flashed.  Are you on lite?  Make sure you have all updates installed.

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:47:17 PM | revisions display issue




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Wow, it worked for you? It didn't for me.

I'm in 2014 full version, not LT.

Did you use the none template or the construction template that i attached?


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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:54:39 PM | revisions display issue



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I used the none template that you attached.


2014 has 3 updates.  I suggested that you look at your updates and you said nothing.  We can't really help you when you don't listen.  That is a bad habit in this business and a real waste of time.

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:08:37 PM | revisions display issue




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Im having this issue also. Look foward to a real answer. WWHub ive read several of your past posts. You seem to have at least half an idea of what you are talking about so why is it you always revert to berating people on this forum. The Autodesk forum has a guy just like you.

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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:37:44 PM | revisions display issue



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I am a professional and I believe this is a professional site.  I realize that some posters may still be students and that does deserve consideration but I have very little patience for posters that waste our time.  I expect everyone to have done at least these minimum things:

  • Researched their problem area in their HELP.  <<  This is one of my biggest gripes.  If the poster hasen't taken the few minutes to do a simple help search then they are really lazy.  I'm not afraid of saying that!
  • I expect every user to ask their question as clearly as they can.  We have many posters that are not native English speaking, but that is usually pretty clear from their post.  We moderators often use google translate to try and help these folks in their native language when we really have problems.
  • I expect every poster to mark up images to clarify where their problem is.  You might be surprised at how many post an image with nothing to point us to what they see is wrong expecting us to know the same.
  • And finally, when we post an answer, I do expect the poster to read it and at least treat us with enough respect to answer or try the advice we have spent time posting.  THAT LACK OF RESPECT really raises by hackles.  


I took the time to test this posters problem out and proove that there is no program problem.  I did nothing special - just opened his postings and it all worked.  That meant the problem was elsewhere and the obvious place was NO UPDATES!  Yet the poster ignored that advice.



Bthomas297,  Although you joined last year and have 40 downloads, I see that in your very first post, you have decided to criticize me.  Where have you been in the last year?  No uploads, no advice.  This site works by contributions from the members.  Maybe someday you will hopefully have enough experience to ask a quality question or at least give some good advice.





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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 3:00:28 PM | revisions display issue




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WWHub, I do appreciate you taking the time to look at this and solve the issue. It does sound like we have updates that need to be installed. I've looked for them and will reach out to our retailer to make sure we have the latest and greatest.

But Bthomas297 is right. You said this is a professional site and I believe that as well, that people go here regularly for content, advise and ideas. But not every user on here is professional (though hopefully most users act professional).

 I did take the time to google forums about this issue extensively beore I posted. I even found a few on here, which is why i replied back to one. But I replied back to your comment about what version of revit i was using very quickly, and obviously I hadn't taken the time to update my Revit platform in that brief amount of time. I had realized you made a comment about the updates but hadn't adressed it because it most likely was the issue. But why do you have to say it was a waste of time and that i didn't listen? We obviously determined my problem was no updates.

People come on here for help and support because the problem is either really complex or really simple. I didn't ask you to reply to my comment specfically, but you did. So if it was a waste of your time to even resolve it why respond? Someone else could have and we would have gotten to an asnwer probably.

You are most likely extermely versed in a lot of Revit platforms, but other people are too and sometimes simple oversite happens. I'd appreciate respect, just like you would. If you feel like me posting something is such a waste of time than please don't answer it. You could have even simply stopped replying. Sorry for this rant, but since you stooped low enough to condemn people for their usage, I'll stoop lower and condemn you.


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Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 3:02:28 PM | revisions display issue




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You just confirmed what I stated before by berating me.  When I gain more experience I will contribute. I lean on forums like this one to gain some of that experience. Posts like your last one help no one. By the way I have all of the updates and the revision issue is still occuring. If I come up with a solution I will post it.

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