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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match

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Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:52:02 PM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match




Joined: Sat, Apr 20, 2013
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Please refer to the attached image. 


I have a siding material that has Surface Pattern (Horizontal pattern) set up in Material Browser. In Hidden Line view, the horizontal pattern shows up. They perfectly aline, but in Realistic View, they just don't. 


After searching online, I could select one individual hatch pattern to align/rotate, but I am not able to select any hatch line no matter how many Tab key I press or move around the mouse cursor. 


Please help. Thank you in advance. 

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Tue, May 7, 2013 at 5:06:12 AM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match



Beaucoupnice Avatar

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The jpg which is used to render the panel cant be associated with the line pattern. You will need to go into the materials editor, pick your material, open the asset manager and click on the jpg image of the pattern. A properties window of the jpg will come up and you will need to adjust its positioning in the x and y coordinates to shift the jpeg pattern to line up. It may take a couple of tries. Alternatively you make that panel as a small wall element with the same external finish as your main wall. This way they will both be the same finish and should align.


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Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:42:01 AM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match




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I'm not sure I follow you 100%, but I used Texture Alignment under Surface Pattern in Material Browser. In other tutorials, there are red lines over jpg img, but I'm only seeing jpg. When I clicked arrows, the image doesn't move. But after I hit Apply, I see the material on walls do move. 


The problem is, when the material move, they move together on the large wall and the small wall. So they are still misaligned. Can I move the material on an individual object separately, not globaly? Tutorials say, I can click surface pattern in Hidden Line view, and change it. But a. I am not able to select any hatch line, b. the hatch lines are perfectly aligned already. 

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Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:37:22 AM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match



brettgoodchild Avatar

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Easy method...make that part of the balcony as part of the wall by modifying the profile...that will align the material coordinates if that is all you are looking for. Not technicaly the best way or correct way to model it though.


This is happening because the smaller part has different start and end coordinates and how Revit manages pattern justification.


Most texture maps (images) will allow you to align the pattern and the image but if these walls were modeled seperately, adjusting that may not help due to that alignment being a global change and you risk adjusting the wall that is properly aligned thus far.


Otherwise, as mentioned below you could adjust the material coordinates yourself but you would have to make a seperate material for the part that is not aligning properly otherwise you will be adjusting the wall and that part at the same time as they are currently using the same material.




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Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:58:13 AM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match




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I'm not sure I follow you 100%, but I used Texture Alignment under Surface Pattern in Material Browser. In other tutorials, there are red lines over jpg img, but I'm only seeing jpg. When I clicked arrows, the image doesn't move. But after I hit Apply, I see the material on walls do move. 


The problem is, when the material move, they move together on the large wall and the small wall. So they are still misaligned. Can I move the material on an individual object separately, not globaly? Tutorials say, I can click surface pattern in Hidden Line view, and change it. But a. I am not able to select any hatch line, b. the hatch lines are perfectly aligned already. 

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Tue, May 7, 2013 at 11:44:06 AM | Surface pattern and Render Appearance Do Not Match




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I couldn't modify the wall since they are differenet in thickness. Also, the wall has bottom extension. But I got a hint from your answer: different end/start coordinate. Instead of trying to map the material, I just physically moved the terrace siding object up and down after making it very long. I found the texutre alignment, then grapped top/bottom handle to make it shorter. This problem is solved. Thanks.


However, I am still not able to select any hatch pattern to modity the surface pattern. Any idea about that? 


ps. why is my post duplicating? 

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