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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Room names Not showing in Schedule

Joined: Thu, May 19, 2011
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wwhub I have done what you said just now about to and from room parameter columns last night and still the idiots doors are not showing room location. I was capable enough in my working schedules to create my own parameters to show • instead of text. That was hard.
it appears that the junior with a basic knowledge of how to spell Revit was hired for an intermediate position in Revit based on his resume messed up the complete model and quit.
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Joined: Thu, May 19, 2011
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I will send through the door schedule in a moment. Thank you all for your time and help
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Joined: Mon, Feb 13, 2012
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Perhaps check the unconnected height of the curtain wall which contains the door that you are talking about. I had the same issue and resolved it due to the fact that the wall itself could not relate to any particular room due to its height, which was taller than the room itself. Not sure this will help you since I am only working with interior walls but I thought it was worth a try...
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Joined: Thu, May 19, 2011
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thank you all
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Joined: Tue, Feb 7, 2006
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Sorry to revive an old thread but tmassey mentioned that this problem has occured on a variety of door types and I had a similar problem with some of my standard doors and this tread seemed like the best spot to post a solution.
The doors to services cupboards were only reading the room on one side of the door. The schedule would display blank and the other room name, you could switch the to/from as per normal, but it wouldn't pick up the cupboard name. All rooms were enclosed, in the correct phase and if the door was moved to a part of the same wall but outside the cupboard the schedule would display two room names.
After a little trial and error it seems that Revit has a problem with rooms that are less than a certain dimension. After increasing the room size the cupboard room name appeared in the schedule. It doesn't seem to be the area either as I have a cupboard that is long and thin but Revit wouldn't display the room name until I increased the depth.
Not wanting to move my walls, my workaround was to uncheck room bounding for the rear wall (it seems to work better than trying to mess around with the wall in which the door is hosted) and use room seperation lines to control the depth of the room. It seems that about 375mm deep rooms is the tipping point.
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What you have discovered is correct. This was reported here some time ago but I can't find the thread. There does seem to be a size threshold for rooms.
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