Forums >> Community >> Newbies >> Section box in Section??
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I am learning from the Autodesk tutorial series, and there they are able to have a section box in their section view. The tutorial is using Architecture Revit 2011 and I have 2012. Somehow they can have the section box (not a crop region visible) in their section view (not the 3D view!). How is this done. I have looked all over for the visibility and graphics, the section box is ticked off (for the section) but it is not showing up. Can anyone help me?
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Your question is contradicting. You say " the section box (not a crop region visible) in their section view" and " the section box is ticked off (for the section) but it is not showing up " <<< These don't jive. Of course if it is off, then it won't show up! So - what are you really wanting / asking?
The view below - looks like a section but it is not. It is a 3D view using a section box with the box hidden but on.
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I'm sorry. I meant to say the box is ticked (the word "off" was the mistake).
If you watch from 0:55 to 1:07 of the video below:
there is an actual section box that he adjusts. It works for me in 3D but how did he get it in 2D?? If you look to the left, of the different views he has in his project browser, the "Section 1" is in bold, which means he selected it.
That's what I wish to figure out. Maybe you can help......
Many thanks - your time is appreciated.
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Joined: Thu, Mar 17, 2005
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If you select the section box in the 3D and then switch to a 2d view the section box will stay highlighted.
If that's what you are talking about.
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He is adjusting that in a 3D model! So I still don't understand what you are asking.... NOTE: My section has a section box... ON but hidden in view. Please remember that section boxes can be controlled on/off in your VG annotative settings.
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If it is a 3D model, then how is it that on the left column, where it says "Project Browser" it says "Section 1" in bold, which is his selection. Isn't a Section considered a 2D drawing, not 3D?
In any case you cannot deny he clicked on "Section 1" and got the
section view of the entire project, plus the adjustable section box. he is not working from an elevation view of a 3D model. Once this can be explained I will let this lay in peace.....
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I tried to keep my section box in the section view, kept disappearing. I could not figure that one out. That's basically what happened
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Now I understand what you are asking.
Pay attention to what he is doing. While the 3D View is open, he "activates the section box". That means he clicks on it. Now when he switches to the section view, you can see the section box because it was selected in the 3D View. Understand?
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I tried it this time and it worked. I think it's because in the 3D image, not only does the section box have to be blue, but you need those little adjusting triangles (that make the planes move to and fro) also have to be on (visible). Once they're all on, the section box shows up in the section as well. Also, if you click on the white of the section view, poof the section box disappears. You're absolutely right.
Thank you so much. All the best. JLB
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Since you're so good, perhaps you could help me figure out another "piece" that is missing from my puzzle. Kindly view the demo:
look for the time of 4:11 to 4:48 minutes of the following video lesson, where the person creates a spiral void out of the solid volume. Whenever I have tried to do this, I keep getting a "Unable to create form element: self-intersecting or singular geometry would result." message. It is incredibly frustrating. I have done all 3 courses (level 1, 2, 3 comprising a total of 37 videos), and I have successfully done all the exercises except for this one. I am deaf so I don't hear what they are saying. Perhaps I miss something here? Wondering if you could help here?
Many thanks
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Joined: Mon, Jul 13, 2009
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Your problem is geometric.
After you create the path of the void spiral, you have to add the profile that will be sweeped, you can create that profile within the endpoints of the spline OR you can add a new one. Both ways works. Is pretty much just like the exercise at 3:30 on the video you post
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would you kindly explain "or add a new one". Many thanks.
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You just hit create point (modify/point element, after you made the spline) and select the spline as a host (it must turn blue). After that you select as workplane the point created, you just create the profile you want to add as the void (at this point you can make the profile in the 3dview, or create it within the workplane viewer.). Hit create form in the attach to see what i mean.
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Brilliant!!! You're Da Best!!!!!! Thanks a Million Gazillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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