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Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:54:16 AM | vector25




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Quoting vector25 from 2011-09-15 17:52:52


Quoting koolair from 2011-09-15 16:46:52


"now that I've given out so much of my research"


you mean your tea leaf readings..


as for trees and landscaping- i'll position the model on the site- or how ever they would want it positioned- but i let the artists paint in the trees and landscaping.. my top priority in the first place is creating geometry that sells the house- and i also have to put colors and materials on the model.. then if i get an agreement to go ahead with construction design- create construction documents and make the model comply with the international residential code including local building requirments- then i can get paid.. but you might wanna talk to willi about landscaping- willi is the best in that area..


LOL, sure, fair enough.

Are you putting up a model of the trees?  I really appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks for lead.  I assume Willi is a member here?



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Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 11:48:11 AM | historic construction slow-down




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"i wonder where so many people get the notion that gold is worth a lot right now? it's not.."

This is the same story as Aesop's "Sour Grapes", which is the typical respose I get when talking about gold.  Over the past 4 years I have made a killing off of gold and the whole time I get the same respose from people who don't have it.  Let's turn it around, Why do so many people get the notion that PAPER is worth ANYTHING!!!!!!  Look into the history of money and you will find that PAPER used to only be a proxy for GOLD.  In '71 Nixon took us completely off the gold standard, which really was not too long ago.  Like I said earlier, gold is not going up in value, the dollar is going DOWN, and that is why you see this construction slowdown.


As for trees, why are you not using Revit's trees, they look fine rendered out.


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Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 2:15:58 PM | rod23



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Quoting rod23 from 2011-09-16 11:48:11

As for trees, why are you not using Revit's trees, they look fine rendered out.


that's a good point- i keep forgetting to fully realize that those trees and shrubs included with revit are the best around and there are many of them.. i have images of those trees and shrubs rendered and labeled ready for use.. it's even a good idea to go to archvision and buy more..  

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Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:14:20 AM | rod23




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Quoting rod23 from 2011-09-16 11:48:11


"i wonder where so many people get the notion that gold is worth a lot right now? it's not.."

This is the same story as Aesop's "Sour Grapes", which is the typical respose I get when talking about gold.  Over the past 4 years I have made a killing off of gold and the whole time I get the same respose from people who don't have it.  Let's turn it around, Why do so many people get the notion that PAPER is worth ANYTHING!!!!!!  Look into the history of money and you will find that PAPER used to only be a proxy for GOLD.  In '71 Nixon took us completely off the gold standard, which really was not too long ago.  Like I said earlier, gold is not going up in value, the dollar is going DOWN, and that is why you see this construction slowdown.


As for trees, why are you not using Revit's trees, they look fine rendered out.


Great point about Nixon. 

I believe the mass denial (no offense intended) is a symptom of unjust weights and measures (paper money) which has allowed the west to grow tremedously at the expense of the masses around the world and here at home.  It's really hard for a heroin addict to kick the habit. 


A decade after 9-11, I believe most people feel the war in Iraq was unjustified, Afghanistan too, it was all about power and control through capturing the oil...courtesy of the military industrial complex.  It would not be this bad if it weren't for paper money.  How else are you going to pay for all those troops and equipment unless you have paper money?  Gold and silver are a natural check and balance on limited government and free market misallocation of wealth because you can't print it. 


True enough that the powers have also diluted the purity of gold in the past to pay for an expanding empire, but they could only do it to a limit.  The federal reserve act of 1913 was the ancient alchemists' wet dream come to life.  But just to be sure, I recommend doing some research into the monetary reasons for the collapse of the Roman empire.  You will be astonished.  Bread and circuses anyone?


To check if you are a real life practicing communist, please try this litmus test:

Edited on: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:17:11 AM

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Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 4:37:51 AM | historic construction slow-down




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I hope no one was offended by the Communist Litmus Test above in my last post.  We've all been

raised on these principles and it's these principles that are encouraged from cradle to grave.  I

stand in awe when I look at how these very nations which were built upon laws respecting life,

liberty, and private property have now become modern day police states under a top-down

managed economy that runs on a fraudulent monetary policy consisting of false weights and



So to keep this post relate back to the historic construction slow down, at this point, I feel there is

still a lot of activity due to old tenants moving to cheaper locations and utilizing the internet to

improve efficiency, and more government work such as museums, military, courthouses, etc,

since government is the first user of this funny money, they get the most bang for the buck and

they've historically expanded powers and properties during times of easy money (low interest

rates).  Toronto's CN Tower was commissioned in 1976 but the idea originated in 1968, ONE

YEAR after silver was demonetized in Canada (no longer included in coinage).  How is this

significant?  When silver was demonetized, it no longer represented a check on excessive

government borrowing/spending from the Bank of Canada (private corporation - current chairman

Mark Carney is former Goldman Sachs).  Which meant that the flood gates were opened on the

already out of control fractional reserve banking practices.  Government could now fund any

project they desired without having the real money in hand.  Just keep putting it on the tab.


Then in 1971 Nixon demonetized gold and all hell broke loose.  This event was equivalent to

dropping interest rates to zero and government borrowing started its bubble.  Fast forward to

1980 - gold hit a record $850 per ounce, silver $50, interest rates in the double digits and the

economy was in shambles.  This was the result of excessive use of borrowing powers during

a time when cheap money flowed like water.  I guess we reaped what we'd sown.  So today

central bank over-night lending rates, coloquially known as interest rates are low low low! 

Zero in fact.  I'd say we should learn from the pages of history to see how it will repeat.


Here's the Canadian government's brief history of exploding debt since that infamous date

in history August 15, 1971 the date when Nixon closed the "gold window":



"...The government spending legacy from the 1970s to the mid-1990s has left Canadians

shouldering a debt burden of $798.4 billion as of March 2004, or $25,044 for every person in

the country..."

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