I am trying to create a sechedulle for calculate by area and person the outdoor air ventilation in a space and then export by gbxml to trace 700.
There are a few problems:
First: The calculated value must be the biggest for area and people
" This one I solve getting areas, people and factors of ventilation without units, I mean as numbers and then I multiply them for an airflow parameter to get the units.
Second: I want to choose the parameter for ventilatiom (Outdoor air) and I want it automatic. And for this I don't have the answer!!!
Third: I dont want to confuse gbxml and give to the file excessive parameters of flow! I need the file to recgnise which one are ventilation and be able to calculate the suplly air flow for cooling and heating loads.
By now trace 700 doesn´t recognise neither airfow neither ventilation!
I have a schedulle because of units problem (area /mumber people) with tooo many parameters!
I dont know wich parameter to add in my schedulle for ventilation calculation!
I have to fill the options of keyschedulle, say occupiable or not, number of peoplr etcetc in the floor plan clicking on space i am not able to do this at my schedulle. Why? How can i get this easyer?
I atach my schedulle for someone may take a look
Thanks a lot