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Forums >> Community >> Newbies >> visibility graphics problems-please help!
Joined: Mon, May 16, 2011
2 Posts No Rating |
I drew up an arch stamp and grouped it and put it in my titleblock..the problem is that it doesn't show up on the visibility graphics so I can't turn it on or off. Help!
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Joined: Mon, Jul 13, 2009
273 Posts
well... inside the family editor you have a "visible" parameter. Add a type parameter from it, and create 2 types, and on one of them uncheck the parameter box.
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Joined: Mon, May 16, 2011
2 Posts No Rating |
Thanks for your response. Family editor? where is this located? i'm using Revit 2012 and everything appears to be changed around. I clicked to edit group to make sure all the lines, texts and fill are checked visible. It is placed in the detail group which I cannot explain why. Everything shows even when I set up a new sheet, I just can't see the stamp in VV or VG so there is no way to control it. Would it be easier to make the stamp into a family and import it in?
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Joined: Thu, May 28, 2009
829 Posts
You won't be able to find it in vg.
In the same way you made/edited the titleblock, go back to that location. If you select the titleblock in any views where it's visible, is should immediately bring up a button on the far right that says "edit family."
There's going to be a bit of a learning curve here -- you'll want to look up "on off parameters" on the forums. basically, you can make it so that when you have the titleblock selected, you'll have a check box that can turn off the parts of it you don't want to see. It's pretty handy.
Parameters can be a pain in the butt, but they open up so many doors in revit when you start getting them down.
I had to edit this to say "no pun intended" about opening doors in revit.
Edited on: Sat, May 28, 2011 at 4:34:33 PM
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