Forums >> General Discussion >> Revit Project Management >> Creating Sketch Sheets and linking revision tags to Original sheet...
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OK, after searching tirelessly through this site for a solution... My project is in CA phase and im creating a sketch sheet to send to the contractor... instead of resubmitting the entire sheet im sending the contractor just the revised detail on a smaller sheet (sketch)... my problem is that i want to link the revision numbering sequence from the orginal sheet to the sketch sheet. As it is now, my sketch sheet is independent of the orginal sheet... is there any way of linking two sheets or revision numbering sequence? thanks
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In your search, you must have missed an earlier post of mine. Look at the overlay family that is listed in this thread:
There was a discussion on AUGI last year that had a sketch titleblock family that you could overlay over your sheet .... it hides everything except a window.
Here is the link
We now use this system
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you are correct, i didnt find that post. thanks a lot
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Re-reading your original post more carefully, the solution is to create a dependant view, to do this, navigate to modified view in the browser, right click on the view and select Duplicate View, then select duplicate as dependant. Now you have created the view that you would drop on your sketch border, and since this view already has the revision information in it, your sketch title block should pick it up, all you have to do is adjust the crop of the view to fit the page, and you should be ready to go.
@wwhub-> I understand what your suggesting, but I don't understand how you are saving your history, what would you do if a mistake had happened, or perhaps a change occurs which requires you to modify that sketch, but your sketch is gone, so now you have to do all that work (even if it isn't much) all over... Not attacking this method, just truly wondering.
Trent Best
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There is absolutly no reason to do dependent views. And besides that, they are a nitemare to manage on large projects. (Been there - done that)
thetabest - To answer your questions:
- Your history of the sketches is a PDF. The main file itself has the full history in the way of sheet revisions and they are bubbled and flagged.
- Changes occur that requires modifying the sketch. There really is no sketch. The drawing contains the modifications. The overlay sheet is just a window of the project sheet and it only contains its identifications. If you need to remake - you just drag the sketch family back over the sheet and make a new PDF.
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i see value to both suggestions. my revision clouds are on sheets so when i create a duplicate view my revision clouds dont get picked up/ transfered... what am i missing?
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We're issuing the Bid Docs on our first Revit project in about a month. I've decided we are doing our revision clouds in the view sbecause sometimes there is a need to shift views around on the sheet. I'm preparing for the eventual need for revision sketches, and your technique sounds like the best one. I already read the thread in the AUGI forums.
I Guess I'm not wrapping my head around overlaying the sketch family onto the sheet as you recomment. It's probably pretty basic; something I just don't realize I can do. I know I drag views onto sheets, but are you saying I can drag a family element onto a sheet? That never came up in 2 semesters of Revit classes or in any of the training videos I've watched. It was always Families go into Views, Views go onto Sheets.
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I had forgotten that Revit changed in 2013 and the overlay titleblock family in that AUGI thread I point to no longer works. The problem is in the nested filled rgion. I have edited the family so it should now work in 2014 & 2015 (White background). This is a 8.5x11 titleblock that completely masks your original titleblock except for a window that you control. Print the sheet centered and full scale and it will print 8.5 x 11 vertical. We modified this sheet for our logo and we changed the numbering to read the orginal sheet number and add a sketch number. I removed the original family name but I don't take any credit for developing this process.
Look at the images below.
- The original 30x42 sheet with a view
- The overlay has been placed and you can see the adjustable window as well as the properties. This sheet has check boxes you can use to descibe what the sheet is for.
- This view shows what the sheet will look like when printed... see how it masks the original sheet.
- The overlay family.
Process is to make your sheet revisions then place this over it and print. Now delete this overlay because your PDF is the record you want. The project sheet will correctly reflect the revision.
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Revit 2018. So I downloaded that masking sketch title block, and inserted it into a project for a sketch. No sketch number, no sketch subject appear. When I click on it, no where do these labels appear in the properties dialog box for editing/adding. They're not in the project information dialog. I can see them in the shared parameters listing, but no way to edit them. I don't readily see any other location they exist. How are these populated? Where are these populated?
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This item is meant to be placed over top of a sheet in the project. Used to show a specific area of the sheet for bulletins or addenda. It will read most of its data from that sheet. It is NOT a stand alone sketch sheet.
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Revit 2018. So I downloaded that masking sketch title block, and inserted it into a project for a sketch. No sketch number, no sketch subject appear. When I click on it, no where do these labels appear in the properties dialog box for editing/adding. They're not in the project information dialog. I can see them in the shared parameters listing, but no way to edit them. I don't readily see any other location they exist. How are these populated? Where are these populated?
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Yes, I have an established sheet with a title block. I made revisions and clouded them. Took this title block and overlayed. There is not sketch number and or description shown. Open the overlay family and there are labels there for it. Where would one edit these? Or do I have to print the sketch and then manually input those items in a 3rd party program?
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Capture.PNG is of the sketch within the project's established sheet. Notice no sketch number or subject. I have absolutely no idea where these parameters are populated.
Capture2.PNG is of the sketch overlay family edit mode. Clearly there are labels for the sketch number and subject. Again, once inserted into the actual project these dissapear and I have no idea how they are populated.
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You set the sketch numer, date in the project. I don't have Revit 2018 so I'm not sure what you are seeing and I think our office copy was modified to our needs. Hopefully, this still worked for 2018.
As it was set up in our office, the sheet number was read directly but had an additional field (instance based) that added additional numbers. So the resulting number might be SK-A100-1 or SK-A100-2 where the SK was added and the -1 or -2 etc was added at the end. You could add these in the view... just roll over those areas and fill in the question mark.
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Question marks, for these two aspects, are not editable. Clicking them once does nothing, clicking them twice opens the whole family for editing. Only the question marks on pre-established Revit parameters are editable. "Sketch Number" and "Subject" are custom parameters (not included in the vanilla Revit) and are not recognized. How does one make them recognized? Where does Revit handle custom parameters? They allow you to make them, so where does one edit or manage them?
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