
Joined: Mon, Jun 23, 2008
42 Posts
Relinquish Your Revit© Families
Millions of quality Families hibernate from lack of use on hard drives around the world, utilized exclusively by content creators and colleagues. We believe this information should be publicly shared to prevent the redundancy of work involved with individuals creating identical models for their sole use. Sharing your efforts and information will save time, money, and energy, and will result in a comprehensive and high quality resource library for all to use.
Sharing = Opportunity
Talented Revit© users with substantial content…we need you! We are always happy and eager to showcase new contributors on our site ( In exchange for your files, we will promote you and/or your business by featuring you on our site and providing you your own profile page to list contact information and other promotional information you wish to share. We strive to showcase the best models in the world and identify the best of the content creators out there. If you’re one of them, please share and we’ll take it from there!
Edited on: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 11:24:27 PM
P A R A M E T R I C components [open source Revit Content] [blogging for Revit Components] |