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Hi, i am using revit 2011, walls are always coming with room bounding checked. But in this project they are always unchecked room bounding. Every time i have to select wall and make it checked room bounding.Do you know any solution?? Please help me??
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You can select via window, use the filter button to select only walls, and check or un-check the room bounding.
Christopher Ganiere, NCARB, LEED AP
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In most instances, Revit defaults to the last used variables but not last set. Changing a wall to room bounding will not reset this variable. It needs to be set when placing a wall, not afterwards.
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Best bet would be to place all your walls and then when needed select all walls and globally deselect room bounding...
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Joined: Wed, Mar 2, 2011
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Hi you all, I have a problem with room bounding but it is not as simple as checking the parameter. Room Bounding parameter is checked, walls are from 0.00 offset height, all is correct but rooms dont detect the walls. Only walls tha are from first floor to 17th floor are detected as boundings.
Any help will be welcome.
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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The typical problem is that the room is placed on a level different than the walls. For instance, the plan where the room is placed might be on a structural level and the walls are from finish floor and up.
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Thank you mr wwhub but that is not the case. Im on the same floor plan for both cases. Besides there is no way to choose structural or floor plan for a wall (they are just visualization issues) There is only one Nth level. Isn't there? am i wrong?
Further theories?
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I don't think you understood my answer.
First - NO phases in your project at all - correct?
Walls have a bottom as well as a top and they can be placed on any level with top and/or bottom offsets. Rooms are placed on levels and are dependent on the view they are placed from.
You don't say what level you are on but try this. Use the romm line boundry tool and just draw a box around that toom you placed. It doesn't need to be in the walls - place it where you can see the results.
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Yes, room boundaries are normally detected (I already had checked that) but there is no way im going to draw room boundary for each room in the project. I need it to work with the walls as it should be.
And as i told before, i put walls being in "floor" plan as well as im trying to put rooms.
and thanks again
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Why didn't you do the test I suggested? I am not telling you to draw room boundries everywhere! - Just a small box around your room that you placed in this view. If you can't understand why then your not thinking.
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If the room boundry line works then something else is 'leaking' your room.... probably those two columns I see when I looked again at your plan.
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I did that test. That's why i said room boundaries worked. columns are also detected but one level walls don't. I have tried all kind of setting combinations. And believe me, i think a lot. I can make lisp routines for autocad and i work in this kind of programs since 1984.
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Joined: Wed, Mar 2, 2011
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I did that test. That's why i said room boundaries worked. columns are also detected but one level walls don't. I have tried all kind of setting combinations. And believe me, i think a lot. I can make lisp routines for autocad and i work in this kind of programs since 1984.
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Check your room is on the correct level and not a half level or anything like that.
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