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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.

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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:38:54 AM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.




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Working in:  Revit Architecture 2010

We inserted a component - a family file (.RFA) - into our project file (.RVT).  Everything seemed to be moving along normally, until we opened up the .RFA from within the .RVT.  Somehow, the family had absorbed the entire building from the .RVT.  This only happened in the loaded family; it didn't impact the original .RFA stored on our server. Also, it didn't impact the .RVT file (i.e.there was no duplicate building for each family instance).

We thought it was just an odd glitch, but then it happened a second time. In both instances, the "absorption" was not immediate; the files worked properly for at least a month of daily use.

Has anyone else run into this situation?  Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening?

Thanks in advance for your help!


~ Deeza


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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:44:05 AM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.



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Not sure what you are telling us and nothing has been written like that here.


I suggest you contact AutoDESK.

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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:51:30 AM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.




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You cannot "open the loaded .rfa file within the .rvt file"  Revit provides a way for you to select a family and provides the link to "edit" the family but this does not occur within the context of the project rather it simply goes on a search of your local and network drives to find the .rfa file.  If it does not find the .rfa file it will create one on the fly but it is not saved until you do so.


Since I've used Revit for over 8 years, worked for Autodesk for 3 of those and never heard of anything like this, I'm going to guess user error in not understanding families. 

Edit: are you 100% sure that the family in question is a loadable family, i.e  a separate .rfa file?

There are two types of families within Revit: loadable .rfa files and "in-place" families.  In-place families are project specific and only exist within your project.  They are meant for the "one-offs" of the world such as a custome reception desk that will never be repeated anywhere else ever again.

Edited on: Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:56:39 AM




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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:25:21 AM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.




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Thanks, WWHub & TomDorner for your quick responses!


I guess I used the wrong terminology; I apologize for the confusion.


Yes, I am 100% sure that the family is a loadable family and not an in-place family.  I meant that we selected a family instance from within the project file, and clicked "edit family" to open the family file.  Once the .RFA file was open and we noticed the problem, we did not save it.


Any ideas as to why a loadable family would retain/absorb/extract info. from a project file it's been loaded into?



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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:35:39 AM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.




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I'm going to guess that someone copied and pasted the project information in the .rfa family.  That is the only way I can think that it would happen as the .rfa files just sit there on a drive no different than any other file.

I'd be willing to bet that there are multiple versions of the same family somewhere on you system.  Are you the only one modifiying the family?  I would rename the correct family file [using Windows].  Load the newly renamed on into the project, but don't place any instances.  Then go to the brower family section, highlight the old family with a right click and select all instances.  When all instances are selected change them to the newly loaded and renamed version.  Purge the old version out of the project.

Now you have the correct version loaded in the project.  If someone modifies another copy of the old family and loads it in, you will not see any changes and likely hear them complain about it and find your source of the problem.

I just can't see anyway this is happening all by itself just by using Revit.  I could be wrong, but I still think there is a rogue user out there. 




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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 2:26:44 PM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.




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I don't believe that anyone copied/pasted the project into the .RFA.  Our office is a small one, and I checked with everyone who works in Revit.  I'm lucky in that I work with honest people!


As far as multiple versions on the system....that's not the case, as far as I know.  The issue never happens when we open the .RFA directly from it's server location, but only when we open it through the specific project via the "edit family" command.  I checked the path it would save to (if we saved it!), and it was the correct file location and name.


Thanks for the family replacement idea; hopefully that will work.


Still, if anyone runs across a similar issue, I'd love to hear what happened/any solutions you have.  I'll probably also try to contact AutoDesk about it (thanks, WWHub).



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Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:30:56 PM | Odd Family Behavior - Absorbing .RVT file info.



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please let us know if you solve the problem or if Autodesk has any insight. i betting that TomDorner is in the ball park with his assement. this is really a strange problem


best regards,



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