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Forums >> General Discussion >> Wishlist >> Schedule fill in of multiple lines

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:16:12 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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when filling in schedule fields (or pulling down to fill in)  it would be nice to be able to select multiple lines/records and fill in all at once.

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:39:27 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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One of the great powers of revit is the schedule.  We often make a junk schedule to manipulate data without messing up a sheet placed schedule.  Just copy your schedule, then add columns as you need to to filter/sort so that all like items are on one line (don't show every instance), then change the data.  Do this as often as you need to.

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:06:10 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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If you have a room schedule, you may have a department with many rooms.  All get (for example) carpet as the floor finish... hundreds of times.   You have to pull down that choice for each room, when you should be able to do so just once.   I think your scenario wouldn't help there.  Or a hardware schedule.  etc... where ever you are scheduling actual objects/families in the project, would a junk schedule help?

 A work around is to create schedule keys.  that can become awkward because all fill ins have to be identical, you can't change any of them.  (this room has wall/floor/ceiling the same but different baseboard, for example).  i have ended up with a schedule key types in a project which is a bit hard to track. 

 you can kind of work around by picking all the families from the plan (and filtering) then modifying the family attributes, but that's kind of imprecise. 

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:34:55 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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No, sorry but you are wrong.  Your example is exactly where it works. 


Lets say you have 10 offices and a conference room and they are all in a department called sales and you want them all to have the same carpet.  Simply make sure department is a column in your junk schedule, sort your schedule by department - don't show all instances... and all of the sales department rooms will be on one line.... The room name will now show blank because you have different names in each room... go to the floor finish and mark it with the carpet you want.  Viola - all done in tyhe main schedule

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:45:16 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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You are right, that is helpful.  that scenario assumes all of a certain field results in the same fill in at another field.   there are alot of cases where one wants to pick selected multiple lines (which follow no particular rule) and just fill in the same info in those cells. 

Just a wish.

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:59:51 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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one more question (since you are a schedule-meister!).  in r2009 you could save a schedule (file/save to library/save views) then load it from a folder (file/insert from file/views).  We have all kinds of schedules with calcluations etc that are worth re-using.

 in r2010 you save by (save/saveas/library/view).  how do you load it? can't find it. 

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:00:58 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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Right... if you don't have something that is common to sort by then you can't do this.  The trick is to try and have something common in your project wherever possible.  This is what Room Styles is good for.  You can have rooms assigned to room styles and all of your finishes are filled in from the get-go.... or whenever the room styles are changed.


But for really unique items... sorry - you have to do them one at a time - but you do have your pull-down.

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:02:32 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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I found it...

insert/insert from file/insert views.

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:53:22 AM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines




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In addition to developing multiple schedules for input (I call them working schedules rather than junk) there are a couple of other options.

1. You could develop a "schedule key" which is Revit's way of doing a "look-up" table in a database.  This allows you to pre-define finishes for example per room type and assign that room type once to a room and all finishes update.

2.  Another overlooked use of schedules is to select multiple rows in a schedule, then while they are still selected switch to a floor plan view.  The rooms or objects you selected in the schedule view will still be selected and you can now go to their instance properties and change them all at the same time.






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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:01:49 PM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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Tom... I too call them working...but junk was easier...


Your #2 tip sounded very good.... but how do yo select multiple rows in a schedule?

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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:14:26 PM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines

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To select multiple rows you need to click and hold the mouse button and highlight the rows.  All the rows need to be adjacent for this to work as you cannot skip rows to select.

This method works best if you have a working schedule sorted by room name for instance and you want to select all rooms named the same and change their whatever to x.  It is the down and dirty way in place of a key schedule.  I teach it to those not ready for the key schedule concept yet and sometimes use it myself in the heat of battle.





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Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:20:36 PM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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Darn ... you had me salivating for a minute there.....

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Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 1:30:51 PM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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Tom Dormer...

I've been a reviteer since 2009. Starting to do room schedules. Your multiple rows, highlight in schedule is brilliant!!

Post from 2004 saves the day in 2024. Twenty freakin years later. Cheers

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Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 6:39:25 PM | Schedule fill in of multiple lines



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There is still valuable information in many of our old posts.  Wish Tom was still posting.

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