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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> wall fill patterns for different wall types and phases
Joined: Thu, Apr 10, 2008
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howdy everyone. So I have this problem where I understand how to assign a coarse scale fill pattern to a wall, and also how to override wall cut patterns by phase, but I can't seem to put the two together. Usually we show each wall type with a different hatch pattern (i.e. CMU walls with crosshatch, 2x6 walls with diagonal lines, etc.) and I need these patterns to show up in both existing and new construction phases. However, we also use a grey poche for new construction only (not existing walls). If I use the graphic override under "phases", I can make all the new construction walls poche but I lose all my wall type hatch patterns. It seems like there is probably a simple solution to this right in front of my face... but what is it?!!! Thanks for any help you can give. I have been going crazy over this and REALLY don't want to go back to manually drafting fill regions like we did with AutoCAD!
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Joined: Thu, Apr 10, 2008
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anyone willing to weight in on this? how do you guys identify various wall types and what is existing or new on your plans? do i just have to put a transparent drafted pattern with a solid half-tone in the area of wall cut to identify new walls? i'm pretty desperate
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Joined: Wed, Jan 20, 2016
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Hi tarahdb
How are you ?
How did you solve this problem, I am also facing the same.
Deepak Gupta
Deepak Gupta
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Joined: Mon, Apr 23, 2012
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So I’ll chime in since I happened to be perusing posts and I think I have your answer although it is not the one you want. I don’t believe this is possible. Since day one (5 years ago) I have wanted to do this and have searched many threads which have pointed me to the same conclusion over and over again. Your wall can only have one poche/hatch. That could be either the material match (say masonry) or a solid (say grey) hatch you use as the override with the phase filter.
I did think of one work around but it seemed so messy that I never actually tried it to see if it would work. The idea is instead of setting your drawing to hidden line, you set it to shaded. Then you could go into the material properties of a given material and set the shading color (say grey or white) and also have a cut hatch pattern of say a masonry poche. Then the material would show up (when the drawing is set to shaded) as grey with a masonry hatch. You would have to have a group of existing walls that would have to have existing materials (all with a white material shade color) and a group of new walls with new materials (with a grey material shade color) assigned to them. So you would have to double up your wall types and your material types and make sure you build the existing with the existing wall types and draw new with the new wall types (and do the thing where if you demo a door you change the wall type it infills with since it will by default fill in with the existing wall type), but in theory it shoooould get you what you want. Oh and the other drawback is if you ever want to use your model for presentations or things like that, all your material shade colors will be white or grey.
Again I never tried this because seemed like more effort than what it was worth. I have resolved myself to showing the wall construction via wall types, section cuts, etc. rather than letting hatches tell the story.
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Joined: Wed, Jan 20, 2016
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Hi RockFish
Thanks for the reply.
Your suggestion to set it on 'shaded' is good.
Though I am a new commer in Revit, i think, Revit has some basic problems with compund walls.
1. There are different types of wall in a project which are required to be shown in different line thicknesses. For example, masonary wall in thick lines and wooden partition walls in thinnere lines. But Revit can not do that. If you try to do that by useing filter for wooden partition walls it indeed draws thinner lines but at the same time it draws all lines of layers in same thickness.
2. When 'Parts' is used, compound walls do not join properly with generic walls. Also, for example, if there is wooden paneling up to 3' height and wall paint above on a masonary wall; and you show that by reducing the height of outer most finish layer (panelling), the wall does not join properly with another compound wall perpendicular to it. It creates a gap above outer most finish layer.
3. In material take off schedule created by using 'parts' field for compound walls, when you click in the schedule it highlites just the layer line which is difficult to see in the entire drawing.
Just a few basic problems every one is facing since the begining of Revit.
Deepak Gupta
Deepak Gupta
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