RAC 2010 I'm trying to set up two linked files, using shared coordinates. However, once I've attempted to Acquire Coordinates, every Save I perform gives me the following message: Location Position ChangedYou have changed the position of a location in linkedfile.rvt. What do you want to do? SaveSaves the new position back to the linked file. Do not saveReturns to the previously saved position when the file is reloaded or reopened. Disable shared positioningRetains the current position of the link and changes the Shared Location parameter to [Not Shared]. The problem is-"Save" attempts to modify the linked file. I was acquiring coordinates from that file. What changes there? Help file states that the linked file is not modified in this scenario. Second flaw in this is that the linked file is a workshared file, and "Save" can't write to it at all if others have modified since I started trying to establish shared coordinates. "Do not save", doesn't save the positioning. But it doesn't get rid of the dialog on every save either. I am still prompted to choose what I want to do... "Disable shared positioning" does what it describes, and changes the parameter to "Not Shared"- But the dialog still appears on every save, even after that. And then I don't have shared positioning, which is what I was trying to get. I am not moving the linked file. I can open the file, save, choose disable shared positioning, save again, choose disable shared positioning again but no commands in between. How is this supposed to work?