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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block

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Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:08:52 AM | Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block




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basically, I need my title blocks to state what Family Type they are, i.e. "A3 landscape" Type needs

to print "A3 landscape" in small script at the bottom of the layout. If I rename the Title Block Type, the name

should change in the small script also. 

(this is because i have to use non-standard layout sizes that are difficult to distinguish in .pdf format afterwards)


I need to insert a Label into my Title Block that states the name on of Title Block TYPE.

So far, I haven't found any solutions or workarounds, since the Label choices in Title Block

Families are utterly limited and preconfigured. Any ideas?

p.s. shared parameters don't help here, the best that they provide is that I insert a shared instance parameter label that i have to change later on in the project on each layout  manually, which is no real help. Revit knows what each Title Block Type is called, it's a matter of figuring out how to make Revit show it automatically in a Title Block. Having by now some experience with the system architecture of Revit, i guess it can't do what i need this time. help me.





EDIT: Just for information - I created a title block family, where all my layouts are in a single family. I could add the needed info just as text into my title block and put the info for all the layouts on top of each other, then create a million visibility on/off parameters to turn on just one of them for each title block type at a time. that would display the right information in the right place, but it would not be parametric and i would have the edit changes in the title block family each time, plus an ugly mess in the type properties. right now i can create new layout types directly in the project, but this has no point if i have to edit some part of the title block inside the title block family.

if this solutions seems complicated, then it's because it is complicated and tedious and not really a solution.

there has to be a way...

Edited on: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:57:40 AM

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Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:57:17 AM | Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block



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Use a different sheet.

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Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:31:50 AM | Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block




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I used to have all my layouts in different families, which proved to be ineffective in various other ways (too many families, subtle changes in company standard title block design = huge amount of work to change everything, too many files to keep track of etc.)

I wanted to make use of Revit as a parametric program, creating a single title block family that has it all and does it all, but when WWHub tells me to use a different sheet (for each different layout, thus adding my needed info as a simple text to the layout), that basically means that Revit can't do what I wan't it to do. Yet.

Maybe a thing for the wishlist Smile

Thanks for the fast response. Perhaps i can tag my layout types somehow in my template file...

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Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:13:20 AM | Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block



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Well then, if you don't want multiple titleblocks to maintain, simple do what you said will not work.  Use a shared parameter!  Because that is simple and it does work.  Just use a sheet parameter and you don't need a million y/n to make it work.  Then change them from the sheet properties in the project.

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Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:03:08 AM | Trying to Label Title Block Family Type inside Title Block




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Yes, but that way the required information gets listed under Sheet Instance Properties.

Which means that I would have to change the layout size information manually on each separate sheet.

(for instance, I have 20 A3 and 10 A4 sheets. With shared parameters I can either get a single Label that displays the same information on all sheets [Project Parameters - Project Information] or an EDITABLE field that displays different information on all sheets [Project Parameters - Sheets]. Neither of them are tied to Title block Family TYPE - which is the information I need it to display. I can't tie the Label to Title Block Family Parameters also, I could specify my layout names there as Type Parameters and define them manually in my Title Block Family, but they don't have a connection to Shared Parameters, so no help there)

I'll probably do the y/n "solution", since it does display what i need - just not intelligently.

It's possibly just one those things in Revit, like the inability to schedule spot coordinates from site plans, where Revit has the info but it is not designed to use/display it in the way we need. (Revit being made for americans does varrant the need for substantial customization to work with the Estonian building code)


Thanks for the info. I'll update this when I find a solution.

If anyone has any further ideas, I'm willing to try anything (i'm doing my company template right now, so I'm getting paid to do just that Smile )

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