Forums >> General Discussion >> Revit Project Management >> REVIT ARCHITECTURE MODEL TO CONSULTANTS
Joined: Wed, Jan 7, 2009
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Hi all, the structural consultant requires the revit model i made of a project. Actually I don't want to send him the model because if I do, he can extract all the families i created for a certain buildingsystem or in R structure or R architecture. How to send my architecture model with secured families to consultants? Is that possible? Especially because I do live in a small community [ island], and don' not want to give away the families i created the last 10 years. Grtz Cee
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Not a new question.... Sorry - no way to lock your families.
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Too bad, so exporting as DWG for the consultants, or offcourse purge all the redundant family's etc. But still, i deliver a model with lots off "fully paramtric" families that have been build through the years. Is there a way to export the revit model and freeze all the parameters maybe, otherwise a good wishlist item, so a "published" model has frozen parameters for certain categories [windows,doors, etc.] Cee
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Give up the control. Google open architecture or open source. That is what Revit is. I am an MEP and I have seen Architects do exactly what you are talking about and take my sinks and toilets. There will probably never be a publish feature that locks everything like in navis. Just send the model, besides if you create a revit model and send it to other project members (notice i didnt say consultants) as a cad file it defeats the purpose. if that is all you were going to do go back to cad. remember paradigm shift, you will have to change what you are used too. Another point, you shouldnt have redundant families housed in your project, you should probably purge them anyway.
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I suppose if you were still concerned about this, in the future you could include a level of discretion with families so that you don't feel like people are "stealing" your work. Otherwise, who cares really. If everyone hoards the families they create and trys to exploit them, it just hurts the industry because the software is already way too expensive as it is. Give much, receive much.
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There is supposedly some software which allows you to lock a family, my firm is using it, I haven't seen it yet, but I also can't divulge any additional information, just that there is something.
Trent Best
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this is good to know, because I work on a small caribbean island, and don't want to have my "design" and intelligent familys been used by others by copy pasting. I loose years of work within seconds and my whole design and detailling will be instantly useable. In short, any new kid can start an architecture office with one "ripped" model.
See it like the development of the Supersportscar; Porsche 911, years of work and improvements from 1931 untill now have been made. "Closed" source it is, otherwise Porsche was not there anymore.
All people who replyed probably do not understand the "intellectual property" of design and the copyrights of the products.
Very interested for your tool,
Please let me know,
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Maybe you are right, maybe we do not understand it...but our legal team does.
In my opinion (just mine here) I think that this defeats the purpose and HATE when we get models that have been scrubbed or had content removed...especially if we need to connect to it, schedule it or interact with it in any way.
We had a job recently where one of the design consultants refused to give us their Revit model...and when they consented to it finally, they removed almost everything they could...needless to say we fired them and took over their scope.
Just stating my opinion here, but when we work collaboratively...I never take anyone's families. Reason being, they may not be that good, functional or they may be way over modeled and bogged down with unnecessary formulas and do not meet our company standards and I don't want to waste my time fixing and adjusting when I could just remake it.
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I would think that the more familes available in the world only makes our work easier. You could have more time thinking about design and less stress with documentation. No sense in wasting more time worrying if someone is using your family or not. There's plenty of things to keep creating families or otherwise anyway.
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Odds are your consultants won't want your families.
If you model a beautiful... I don't know, chair, or canopy support, or light fixture, Someone designing the plumbing isn't going to be interested in using your models, and there won't be any sort of cross pollenation with other architects since the MEP guy isn't going to send them anything other than pipes and ducts. Our consultants work with our competators, and all we get from them are beams
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I just put our companies initials in front of every parameter I define, then at least, it is easily recognized that the family was ours to begin with. Agree on the sharing of families, but also because I make all of my own families, hate the idea of someone using my families, at least without asking me. I just want credit, the nod, for the work I did. Kinda like game engines, etc. If you use them to make a game, all you have to do is display their splash screen and you are usually good to go!
I don't usually use other's families because they usually have too much, or too little, or not what we need. Its actually fun to look at other's families, because you can almost see signatures, little nuances that give away a familie's creator. Fun story, I worked for an architect, and helped our consultants out with Revit so we could meet deadlines. I later went to work for these consultants because they were larger and in desperate need of Revit Guidance. When I got there, I found MY families being used in other projects... Didn't make me angry, made me proud to see my work being used, better than if they had discarded it...
Trent Best
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Ever download a family. Someone else made it. I prolly have thirty families that I have uploaded here Jacobs prolly has hundreds. Still a long way to go. What we need to do is encourage the manufacturer's to make families, of there products to be downloadable. Maybe you can get some of that work.
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I love to point to greenheck as an example of why it is scary to have manufacturers creating their own content. Glad they were going in that direction, but I needed a Louvre from them, downloaded it, opened it up to see what was in it, and found a nested if statement some 10 deep (i.e. - if(a,if(b,if(c,.... ) Needless to say, the worst part was these were being used to set type data, so instead of saying there are 10 blades in this "type", they were calculating that if this was a "10 Blade" then there are 10 blades...
Anyway, point is, we are still at the beginning of all of this, and have a long way to go! Even though we might be able to lock our work, I say instead just get the kudos, put little signatures here and there, making it inconvenient to say the least for any user to remove your markers, but be happy if anyone is using your work, means you are doing good, and can say you made a good family.
Now I'll step down off my soap box!
Trent Best
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I appreciate that many models are really not correct or could have been done better. As we learn we all will make better models. Point is I really don't care what is in there model provided it looks more or less like the real object and is correct in the precise shape. How one calculates fan blades or louvre's really doesn't matter to me provided it doesn't mess up my model or computer.
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mbsteve, right on. That's exactly right. Manufacturers should definitely be building families just like they had provided dwgs in the past. Free the content.
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