Forums >> Revit Structure >> Technical Support >> Foundation Schedule - no footing thickness field - help!
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OK, so I am trying to schedule foundations for the first time, using RS2009. I also checked this out in RS2010 and have same problem. I have a mix of wall footings, isolated column footings, and foundation slabs. I created a foundation schedule, but have a few problems. The biggest problem is that there is no field for the thickness of the isolated footings. There are fields for the thickness of both the wall footings and foundation slabs. What gives? Why not isolated footings? And why do the 3 foundation types all have different definitions for thickness? When you schedule them, they all populate different columns in the schedule. I do not want to have to create a project parameter for the isolated footings, just so that I can schedule the thickness, when the info is already defined. Having two thickness definitions would lead to the possibility that one is not correct. I figured out how to filter out column, wall, and slab foundations, so that each schedule only shows one type at a time. How are you guys scheduling foundations? Thanks.
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The only type of footing we typically schedule are isolated footings. I create a type for each size and in the name is where I list the thickness...ex ( 4'-0"x 4'-0"x 12" Then the next column in the schedule would be the reinforcing which I put in the "description" in the type parameters... Good luck!
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For isolated footings I use the fields Type, Width, Length, _Thickness, and Description. The field _Thickness works fine for me. Perhaps you are using the "Foundation Thickness" field rather than the "_Thickness" field. I have found that the Foundation Thickness field does not work for isolated footings.
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The field for "thickness" for an isolated footing (default Revit footing family) does not show up in my list of available fields when I setup a foundation schedule. Only the fields for thickness of wall footings and foundation slabs shows up in the list of available fields. I have basically given up trying to force it to work. I simply added some project parameters for thicknes, reinforcing, and type of footing (wall,column,etc), and then use those for scheduling. With the type of footing parameter, I can filter out wall footings from column footings, and have separate schedules for each. I will add these parameters to my template file, so that they appear in every project. Only downside is I have to update 2 parameters each time I want to change the thickness, as the project parameter is separate from the family parameter.
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I think I figured out the problem. The thickness parameter, as defined by the default revit family, is a "Family Parameter" and should be a 'shared parameter'. - Create a shared parameter file, and a group, and parameter called 'Thickness'.
- Edit the foundation family, going to family type, and add the newley created shared parameter
- Create a schedule, and add the Thickness field.
Now your schedule should populate this data. Make sure you aren't referening the old thickness definition (i deleted it from the family so there'd be no conflict) I could get more descriptive with screen shots or attach the families if it's really required, but hopefully this is enough. Now if someone could help me get the foundation slabs out of the foundation schedule, we typically only schedule the spread footings.
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eyanovich: I had already tried what you suggested, but we decided that we would try to avoid shared parameters as much as possible. We have structural in 5 offices, and I am working with another person to develop and implement revit templates and content across all ofices. Having to keep track of parameter files, and who was permission to edit them, does not sound like much fun. So, I simply added a project parameter into our templates for foundation thickness, and also others for foundation reinforcing (top, bottom, other). and to answer your question, I also added a projject parameter that I call "foundation usage". THis is a type based parameter. Then in all my foundation types, I enter either Wall, Column, or Mat, to identify the 3 types of revit foundations (wall, isolated, & slab). Then in my foundation schedules ( I have 3 different schedules in my template), I add a filter, and filter by foundation usage. That way, only column footings show in teh column footing schedule, and wall footings in the wall footing schedule, etc... This works great, and didnt really require too much front end work. The nice thing is it is all in our templates, without any shared parameters.
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Sounds pretty slick. Project Templates, Project Parameters, Custom Type Parameter for Usage and Filtered Schedules.
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I know this is an old post but I have a few questions. I am new to creating a footing schedule, so please explain to me some of the issues I have right off the bat.
first of all I would like to model in the reinforcing in each type of isolated footing and have it show up in the schedule. How do I do this? I am using out of the box rectangle footing family, should I be creating my own?
Also, how do I get rid of unwanted slab marks and continuous footings in my schedule?
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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This is what I get with the OTB schedule with a few added parameters. I just typed in the reinforcing, but I would like it to model it in (unless this is not practical for size of file problems). Also it is not showing the footing thickness - I included both the "thickness" and "foundation thickness" to see if one of them would show the isolated footing thickness but neither of them works.
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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OK - i got the thickness to show - doing what eyanovich said to do. Don't ask me to do it again, because I was just clicking and typing and changing, loading into project and reloading, and.....
Happy that I got that part but sad at the same time! (Pretty sad isn't it, when you have done something and you don't know how or why you was changing and adding what you were changing and adding.)
Anyway - I still need to figure out how to get rid of unwanted foundation call outs in my schedule, also it list the same type multiple times - how do I get it to list each type just once?
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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ok figured out how to get it to least each type once.
Now how to get rid of everything but the isloated footings... hhhmmmm.....
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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ok - i don't knwo if this is right but I told it to filter it by the new "Thickness" parameter I added, and it worked.
again - I don't know if this is right or how I did all of this but...
Still need to know about modeling in th reinforcing
Should I or shouldn't I?
and how do I do that - right now I just have it as text?
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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added to my questions above -
why did I have to add a shared parameter, the footing width and length does not show up as a shared parameter but yet they show up in the schedule? Just wondering.
Yeesh - Where is My Cad
Yeesh - Where is My Cad |
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