Joined: Mon, Apr 20, 2009
7 Posts No Rating |
Hello all, I'm in need of some help. When trying ot render my current file (approx 17mb file size) i continually get the error stated above - "unknown error during rendering calculations." I start the render, it processes for a few minutes, then the error message pops into view. After hitting "ok" in the error message, the file continues to 'render', though no image ever shows up and the 'render' finishes in approx 30-45 seconds. I have heard things about enabling 3GB in revit. i checked my Revit journal and it doesnt appear that i am exceeding my available resources, though i could be readin the message wrong. Anyway, i am going to attach a small portion of the journal that shows my file activity from the moment i select the render dialog to the time that the error comes up and i eventually stop the render process after accepting the error (because by this point, i have had this happen enough to know its not going ot actually render). I have only included a portion of the journal to save you guys from having to search through it. A few things to note: i have audited and purged the file multiple times, to no avail. Also, further reference the fact taht a coworker of mine has literally the EXACT MIRROR image of my workstation setup about 10 feet from me and his machine renders the file without issues. the only difference is that i have a dual-monitor setup, hence a more recent driver. system specs to follow, and then the journal's error log. ANY help would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks a million. -G System specs: Xeon 2.99GHZ Dual Core CPU with HT enabled, 4GB ram (limited to approx 3 by windows xp 32-bit), Quadro NVS 285 i am running Revit Architecture 2009 with all of the most recent updates installed in light of this issue. Journal of rendering process andresulting error - (note that in this specific instance i happened to be only rendering a region, though this issue has been also happening in full view)
Edited on: Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:23:54 PM

Joined: Tue, Jan 16, 2007
1009 Posts
The 3GB switch has helped me a lot in the past for Revit but this is not a Revit problem you are having. Your issue is a mental ray problem which may be solved by enabling the 3GB switch or boosting your virtual memory if you have the free space. I think I have like 20 gb of VM set on my workstation.(64bit workstation) Try boosting your pagefile to 4092.