Joined: Thu, Sep 1, 2005
8 Posts No Rating |
I'm looking for a way to link details from another file in a way that they live in the original file and can be updated there instead of the project they're being linked into. Similar to an x-ref in autocad. Is there a way? I've tried File>Insert from File>Views, but that seems to just copy the drafted elements into your project. Background: We're working with a large team on a quick schedule and every time we approach a deadline we get 'save to central' back-ups because some of the team members have slower computers. We'd like to have the detailing work completely live in a different file, which would both keep our project size from getting too big, and keep people out of the central file. Our project has two buildings which will have many similar details so we would like to be able to link from both projects to the same detail.
Joined: Wed, May 9, 2007
141 Posts
If you are using CAD also, you can achieve this, but using Revit, not really. The problem stems from you using drafting views, when you link in a Revit file, you can't "see" the drafting views, only views made from the model. If you want it to be live in Revit, you need to create a view (section, elevation, etc.) and then detail it there, on your sheets project, go to visibility graphics of the linked file, override graphics of that view and then choose which view to show in the linked view spot. Back to the CAD method, if you create your detail in CAD, and then you LINK (be sure to click the LINK checkbox when you import your CAD file) the CAD file into the project on a drafting view. Now if you change the CAD file, just reload it in the manage links dialog. Every time you load the project for the first time, you will also get the most up to date... Just remember, as I get this a lot in my company, reloading latest doesn't reload the links, you have to manually in the manage links dialogue tell Revit to reload your linked file.
Joined: Thu, Sep 1, 2005
8 Posts No Rating |
So does anyone know of a way to have a live link to a model view that lives on a sheet within a linked file?