Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> HELP... need to mirror a plan
Joined: Wed, Jun 15, 2005
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i'm having trouble keeping a plan intact after it's mirrored. when i mirror the main floor the warning tells me that the ceiling sketch is invalid. i got it to mirror in the 3d view, but everything fell apart on all the views at that point. is that the best way to go about mirroring a multi-story unit?
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I just mirrored a project about an hour ago and it went pretty smooth.
The condensed version is to estamblish a reference plane down the middle of the building, group your grids and any dimensions related to the grids, go to 3D grab everything, go to each view and add via cntl - window everything in the view, once everything is selected, filter out levels and elevations, issue the mirror command and make sure you can uncheck "copy" . If you can unckeck copy, do it and pick the reference plane you established. If "copy" is greyed out, you have something in the selection set that will force a copy and you have to remove the element (trial and error?).
A search on AUGI will yield other methods, but nothing is going to be perfect and the Revit people need to address this issue.
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There has got to be an easier way. When you mean "go to each view and add via cntl - window everything in the view", does that mean each and every view that has the model in it or just the plan views? Still stuck in Revit 9.1 .
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The easiest way to mirror a plan is to : - Open a new project
- Import original plan
- Mirror it
- To work on the new mirrored version, bind it into the project, or just work on the original link.
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In 2009 there is a mirror tool... Although its still a bit buggy it does give you a result most of the time. There is a line you can add to your Revit.ini file that enables this tool in 9.1. But I can't remember it. Have a search for it.
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I tried importing my project into a new file but all the elements don't show up and can't figure out why. My company has no plans at this time to upgrade anything and I am not into programing so I guess I am stuck doing it the hard way, as usual. Thanks for all the input.
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You can Try these after you mirror the link: 1. Type VG. 2. Goto the last Tab " Revit Links" 3. Select " By Linked View". 4. Select " By linked view" to match your view. This should give you the same view as your original file. Do not bind plan. Keep your original as left and mirror as right. This way when you change the left, the right will change too. You have to re-config dimensions.
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Chandej, I tried all those things and still didn't work. I contacted our reseller to see if they could help me with the ini file thing but the guy said that he called Autodesk support and that because of problems in the past (and I suspect that cause of the old version) they do not support doing the ini file any longer. I uploaded my file and he is going to look at why all the elements don't show up when imported into a new file. I also tried mirroring the model the hard way and just can't get it to work so the bosses just might have to upgrade whether they like it or not. 
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This is how miror the plan: 1. Use the same original file. 2. Save as Left or Right. 3. Erase plan not level, everything but level. 4. Save again. 5. Link in the original plan as attachment, use center to center so it stay at the same spot. 6. Mirror the Link. Then follow the step I reply before and this work for me everytime. Dimension on the original plan have to set to "up then left". Then on the elevations, you will have 2 sets of level, keep the ones from link file. The key is to use the same original file so all the level come with it.
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Finally got a good response from our reseller on the issue I was having. Turns out one of the worksets was corrupt. He had me to delete all the worksets and then everything in the model showed up in the new file. So now my next question is: Can I some how transfer the sheet set ups into the new file from the original file or do I have to recreate all the sheets in the new file?
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The only time I have needed to mirror a plan, I created a group. It included all the walls, doors, and family components, etc. Then it was as easy as placing the group and mirroring it, or mirroring the group that's already in the view. That worked greap for the hotel rooms, and apartment rooms.
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You can use linkview to match origainal sheet setup ( see my first responed)
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I also put all details and schedule on title block sheet ( see attached), this way my template files already complete with details and schedule, then I link any file into the same set spot to have the same project setup.
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