Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> how to change the default ground color ?
Joined: Thu, Feb 28, 2008
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how to change the default ground color ? I did the toposuface - site and when redering , with sky apears out of the toposurface and is not the sky a dark color . how to change the default ground color ? thnks a lot
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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If something in Revit says default, then you haven't set it yet. Every surface in Revit can have a material associated with it. When you create your topo surface, you can set it in the properties then. Now, select your topo surface, goto element properties and set the materials for your surface.
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Joined: Thu, Feb 28, 2008
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sorry if i did explain well.. i cnat write english very well i know change the toposurface, i cant change is out of tposurface ( maybe bakground ) .. when i render and use a sky and a toposurface ( all render ok ) but out my objects crated by me apears at gray. i cant change this color
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Same rules apply. If you created the families, you had a chance to assign properties to them. Edit the families and assign properties to the extrusions..... other than default.
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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I don't understand very well you english but are you trying to ask "How you change in the render process the color of the Background"??? Podes falar Português se quiseres...
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Joined: Thu, Feb 28, 2008
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o que pretendia era saber como mudo a cor de fundo , mas tb usando o céu. ou seja quando uso o céu e usando uma pespectiva onde se vê tb o ground floor . ele aparece em cinza , ou seja o terreno fora da toposurface criada. não sei se me faço entender. como faço pra mudar o cor background usando tb o sky predefinido pelo revit? " how i change the back gorund color and use a t same time the sky ???
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Joined: Fri, Sep 7, 2007
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Olá querosaber, pois infelizmente o que tu queres fazer não é possível, tu podes mudar sómente o tipo de céu ou sómente o cor do fundo sem céu mas não as dois coisas. Mas o que tu podes fazer é criar como tu já sabes, uma imagem .tiff ou .png, logo crias a drafting view e colocas o fundo que queras.....
Edited on: Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:51:14 AM
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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Erland, tás a melhorar no Português....
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Joined: Fri, Sep 7, 2007
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LOL, pois vou "pouquinho a pouco" com o português sempre.....A propósito Typhoon, dentro de pouco te mando outras árvores que tenho por aqui.......cuida-te!!!
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