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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> preventing families from being stolen

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Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:46:49 AM | preventing families from being stolen




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is there a way to make it so that when we upload our file to consultants/clients they can't steal our revit families and add them to their library?  I noticed that Autodesk's Hotel 5(demo project) had this feature, but I don't know how to accomplish it...  using RAC2009. 

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Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:56:12 AM | preventing families from being stolen



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coreed Avatar

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i have never seen anything like that. is the Autodesk Hotel 5 (demo project) part of the standard package. if not could you provide more info.

Edited on: Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:56:38 AM


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Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:17:09 PM | preventing families from being stolen



brettgoodchild Avatar

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I recall speaking to the factory about this and if I remember their response was a fluke, or at least that's what they told me anyways.

Not really shure how that could just happen.


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Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:34:06 PM | preventing families from being stolen




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a co-worker of mine had gotten this with revit version 6 or so... so it is old, but he just found it, brought it in, and I took the .rvt files off of the disc and opened them up, i tried to edit the families to see what they were doing (their file size was 50mb for a 12 story building, vs my 100mb for a 5 story building).  I wanted to see how they managed such a small file size and figured it had to be in their families.  when i couldn't open their families, i was a little pissed, but also happy, as long as I can do the same thing!  This would prevent my consultants/clients from being able to rip off my families!  I might be able to post the project file if you'd like, i think it is a valuable look at how they think their program works.

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Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:24:04 PM | preventing families from being stolen



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We thought the same. It would be nice to lock some families down. We do a lot of military work and have to remove some content to send the files out to VAR's and things like that.

They said it had something to do with the file getting upgraded through so many versions or something like that.


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Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 7:26:08 AM | preventing families from being stolen




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The files may not have actually been "locked" a lot of times if you copy a file off of a CD it is read only. You can go into explorer and change the security attributes and Viola you can edit the files.

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Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:26:58 AM | tmcguire



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Quoting tmcguire from 2009-02-20 07:26:08

"The files may not have actually been "locked" a lot of times if you copy a file off of a CD it is read only. You can go into explorer and change the security attributes and Viola you can edit the files."

read-only won't stop you from opening a file and chaning it and saving under a new name. read-only only stops you from saving back to the original file.


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Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:46:01 AM | preventing families from being stolen



liamnacuac Avatar

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Are you concerned with keeping your families due to business related design ideas, or because of the time invested in their construction?

As with several things in Revit, it may be time to reconsider the value of business items and their costs. Something like the idea that everyone who takes a picture of a celebrity would be required to pay that celebrity for their likeness. I think this scenario is unreal, and possibly families should or can be viewed the same way. Otherwise, copyright the families and put your name all over them...

I wonder if an electroinic signature can be associated with them, in other words, if you have a model with an electronic signature, it would not allow Families to be stripped from the model  Cryingpossible wishlist Item?)?


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