Forums >> Revit Structure >> Technical Support >> Specification column "Elevation at Bottom"
Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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Hello everyone! I just had a big surprise.. The thing is that I have created a specification, that includes "Elevation at Bottom" column. This is a specification of structural foundations where I can see only foundation walls. The thing is that when I set to see all the instances, this column shows for some foundation walls the value "Varies", I don't understand how can it be!
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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I added a picture where you can see the elevation values...
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In your schedule properties under sorting and grouping, check the box "itemize every instance" and I believe you will see your problem.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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Thank you for helping, but they are already itemized, when you look at "b" and "h" you see that b = 600 and h = 300 repeats many times, so the schedule is expanded..
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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The varies happens when you do have different values for the same parameter so somehow you must still have a mix of parameters in the same column. Look at your sorting and grouping. ... I would sort by this field and see what happens.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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I added another picture, there also is value "Varies"..
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I do not know this family, how it was built or where this "varies" comes from. That appears to be under your control and is not a REVIT issue.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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Actually this is a standard family called foundation wall. It is made by clicking on walls and it automatically appears under the wall..
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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Thank you for hepling me! I created a picture where you can see that this family is a system family and it is called "Wall Foundation" and also you can see, that it is created by Modify -> Foundation -> Wall and then clicking on the walls. If thinking logicaly, then when looking at the picture the element in red is horizontal so the value "Varies" doesnt make sense, because element is oriented totally horizontaly and elevation at the bottom in every point must be equal, am I wrogn?
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I still do not know how this family is built or what this parameter really is. This family is different than the one available in Architecture. Perhaps someone with structure can help you.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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Oh, you have architectural version.. Thank you for your help, I hope some one with the structural version will notice this thread. Regards
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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You might have old version of Revit, because I opened Revit Architecture, and under Window -> Design Bars I checked "Structural" and then it is possible to acces this function. See the picture.. This time the value is right..
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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Oh ... I don't believe you said 2009. If any of your walls have sketches on them that modify their base, then this will be varies. That is because this foundation is one element. If you want seperate elements, then you need to split the wall at the steps. To identify your problems, have an elevation open and use show from the schedule.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 23, 2008
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I took a look at the walls and their sketches. Turns out, that none of the wall have any sketch, only thing that has been done, is that join function has been used, but as I noticed, then it doesn't matter, because the one that was joined with the foundation slab, elevation at the bottom shows right value (see the second picture). In first picture you can see, that when the wall is selected, then function "Remove sketch" dont appear, it means wall dont have a sketch, but the parameter "elevation at the bottom" for the "foundation wall" or footing as I say, show "varies". Strange!!! In second picture, as I said, you can see that wall dont have any sketch, but join function is used instead, so the top part of the wall varies. Logically the level at the bottom should have some value, because only the top is modified, and it is right.. revit gives value "-2400" that is right. I still dont uderstand these values "Varies"! I really would like not to have them. Who in the world would make a foundation footing that would have a slope? Allof the walls have horizontally oriented base, so I dont understand what is happening...
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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You still have not found something. It could be the joins at the end but I doubt it. Do both joining walls have the same base elevation? Put a wall in beside this one that has the same start and height and see if a footing on this varies. I doubt it will. If not, delete your current wall and move tis one into its place and see what happens. You might try to vertically split this wall inside the joining footingf at each end and see if the varies goes away for the interior portio.
Edited on: Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:45:08 AM
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