Forums >> Community >> The Studio >> idiots users and unthankful members!!!!!!!!!!

Joined: Mon, Apr 2, 2007
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Send me some Christmas muffins and cookies! haha
LHAA Licata Hansen Associates Architecture Reno, NV USA |
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Joined: Sat, Jun 28, 2008
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Man, that cookie analogy went a long way. Read the post from beginning to end and it takes a decidedly kooky turn. Good stuff.
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Joined: Thu, Dec 13, 2007
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I know this thread is most likely not viewed much anymore, but I just want to complain a user who has downloaded over 6400 objects, and not uploaded anything. How f**king unthankful is that?!!!!
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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Hi Timbo, like that there are thousens of them.... i think i don't put anymore any object here to download, i only download about 340 obj. and "They" download my families about 4000 times, there are one guy he made member here in one day and in the other day he download about 800 objects so...
I Hope and I Wish to LEARN more, and more, and more.... REVIT |
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Joined: Thu, Jan 17, 2008
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Good thread. I count myself as one of the users for now. I've downloaded quite a few things that I haven't used as of yet, but could be of use down the road. As I'm new to Revit and trying to build my business at the same time, RevitCity has been a valuable resource for me. Being able to read the forums and pick up tips has helped bridge the information gap that the Autodesk literature doesn't fill -- my reseller support is pathetic as well. I'm finally to the point where I am exploring family creation, though. With more proficiency, I can easily see being more of a provider than a user here. I can understand your frustrations, but can't promise things will be much different across the board down the road. As someone said previously, it's somewhat the way of the world. Perhaps we should focus on bringing more users to RevitCity and with the greater numbers, the law of averages will generate more useful contributors.
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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CARRIAGE, i read your post and i like it, i hope sincerelly you gonna put here some families to us to download, then the "World" gonna be more "useful contributors."
I Hope and I Wish to LEARN more, and more, and more.... REVIT |
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I just want to remind everyone that there are more ways to contribute to RevitCITY than uploading families. I THANK ALL OF YOU that: - Upload families
- Post good questions
- Post good tips
- Provide inspirational images
- Give good advice in the chat rooms
- Provide really useful directions and answers to our questions
And above all - Thank you to the creators of RevitCITY
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Joined: Mon, Apr 2, 2007
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I haven't uploaded much because I don't really want to upload things that aren't very editable. haha Usually my families are very project specific and they aren't very editable but I'll try to get more uploaded soon! I'm always posting and willing to help people out though! 
LHAA Licata Hansen Associates Architecture Reno, NV USA |
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Joined: Sun, Jan 19, 2003
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"yes comercial companies hyjacking posts is very annoying. but then capclips advertises on this site so they are not going to get moderated. i once asked to get paid for a famly that someone was asking for (i asked for €10,000.00 as a joke) and was told by moderators this site is a FREE site, that is once you don't advertise on it then you can advertise your company as much as you want in the posts themselves." King, I agree that comercial companies that hyjack a post can be annoying, but for clarifcation, cadclips has never advertised directly through us. They may have displayed ads through google on our site, but we have minimal control of those ads. Ads or no ads, if anyone or company posts innapropriate content it will get moderated out. That said we try to moderate as little as possible. Our approach from the beginning has been to let people speak their minds and to only moderate comments which you would be embarrased of if you boss at work saw on your screen, or you 5 year old at home who was just learning to read saw. Basically if it isn't explicit, racially prejudice, etc. we try not to moderate it. We want the community to function as a community. In an office environment you learn through interaction which of your co-workers give good advice and which ones generally give poor advice, and you probably tend to only listen to those who give good advice. We want our members to be free to determine for themselves which other members they "like" and which they will ignore. We have attempted to build in a peer rating system to assist in this, but admitely it's design must be poor because it doesn't get used very often. If you have suggestion on how to improve a peer rating system please let me know. As for the moderation of the post suggestion the sale of a family. I don't have a problem with that, and I appologize if your comment was moderated out for reasons other than explicit content. Retails and users alike should be aware that our community is based around the free exchange of information and those that try to "hawk their wares"will likely be frowned upon by others in the community. Never the less, it is up to the user to determine if they want to do this or not. As a matter of opinion, it's probably best if you negotiate terms of sale for items privately via email than public in our forums.
Pierced Media, LC |
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Joined: Tue, Feb 16, 2010
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I'm new to all of this - Revit and free community where people answer just because they know. What an inspiration though! Thanks for having this place, thanks for sharing your work, thanks for taking my questions, thanks for doing this selflessly. I got thrown into Revit for the first time ever while for a capstone class. (The timing I know!!) And it simply wouldn't have been possible without this site. I think this is the stuff the internet was invented for...
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Joined: Sun, Nov 6, 2005
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Hey all, Relax about people 'stealing' families! You are only giving them a fish. People who talk it up in the forums however, now there we are teaching them to fish. We get to see the real Revitcity community, and people who are courteous and grateful get the better advice. So Revitcity is like fishing and cookies. Uh huh.
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