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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Hide part of a wall

Joined: Thu, Dec 13, 2007
135 Posts
Gday, using RAC2009 Lets say i have a wall comprising of 75mm CSR powerpanel, 25mm air cavity, a 90mm stud and 10mm plasterboard. Is there a way to hide just the 10mm plasterboard? I need just the CSR, cavity and stud to show up in floor plans, but in sections and things that cut my wall, I need to show the plasterboard. Everytime I go to a section view I have to draw a line representing the plasterboard, and it would be alot easier if i could just hide the plasterboard in floor plans. Any suggestions would be appreciated =)
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Joined: Mon, Oct 15, 2007
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i have have tried lots of ways to do this but with no success, walls (well actually all the system famlies) are one area i think autodesk need to improve on a lot. for instance it would be nice to be able to do what you are asking without having to use the linework tool on every wall. i tend to use two walls for what you are asking and hide the plasterwork in plan views. may not be much help?
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Joined: Thu, Dec 13, 2007
135 Posts
Hey thanks for your input. I agree that autodesk need to do alot more to system families. Your suggestion would work perfectly fine, but for the type of stuff I do its just easier to draw in a line which represents the plasterboard. Thanks for your help =)
- Core 2 Duo E8400 3ghz
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Joined: Thu, Dec 13, 2007
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There is a quick work-around I have been trialling. I created a new profile family with parameters wall thinkness, lining thickness and height and created a new sweep using my family. I put this sweep into the subcategory of "Plasterboard Lining" in Walls, so whenever I need to turn off the plasterboard I adjust the Visibility/Graphics settings. Could people please try out this method and see if it works for them?
- Core 2 Duo E8400 3ghz
- 756mb Nvidia 9600GSO 256bit
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- Windows XP Service Pack 3 32-bit
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