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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Call outs in Revit
Joined: Thu, Jan 3, 2008
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Hi, I have a question about call outs in revit. If I make a call out in a section view of for example a wall floor connection and in the call out view I make it more detailled by adding detail lines and regions etcetera... Is it possible to make the detailled call out visible in the section where i made the call out? Greetings
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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Yes it's possible but i think you must use the Call Outs views to make your detailings because of the scale of detail, text size and so one...
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Joined: Thu, Jan 3, 2008
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Thanks for your reply, but how do I make these call outs (with extra 2D detailling) visible in the section view of the building? I've put an example in the attachment, it's a section view (with call outs on) and one call out (number 11 of the roof with more detail on (in this example the insulation)), as you see the insulation is visible in the call out view but not visible in the section view. How can I fix this? PS: I am using Revit Architecture 2009
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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First, you need to understand that annotations including text, dimensions, tags, detail elements and edit profiles are all 2D elements and as such are view specific. Model elements are 3D and therefore will show in all views they are contained in. When you add 2D elements to any view, they do relate to the 3D components they are annotating. Therefore, you can copy the 2D elements to your clipboard from a view or callout and then paste them in the same place in the parent view or in the call-out view if you are going in the other direction. This is a great feature so learn to use it. One great use is for transferring grid dimensions from plan to plan. Also room / door / window tags. Just window the whole view and filter for the annotation you want to transfer - copy to clip board and paste current view.
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Joined: Thu, Jan 3, 2008
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Thx for the good information, the way you explain it is the way I do it now, but I wonder if there is an automatic way to make it visible (because a lot of call outs=a lot of copy paste work )
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