Forums >> Community >> Newbies >> Can't make type error message
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i am still fairly new to revit and have made a few families now, but i altered the standard pump that comes with revit MEP out of the box to make a second one which is now a diesel pump when ever i go to load the family into revit i get the same error message Can't make type "dieselPump : M_Model 100 x 150". with a 2nd message saying the same thing but with 50 x 75 instead i havent changed any of the measurements of the basic model, so it still is 100 x 150 any help would be great, thanks!
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also could someone help me into setting the pumps to act in the same way as a wall for every job i do will require a different size pump, I am talking about the M_Base Mounted Pump from revit MEP 2008, it is also the pump i altered to be a diesel
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did you modify the moded elements or just type properties? This would be a common error when something is adjusted too far in one direction. If you are adjusting the shape/size i would do it one parameter at a time and see which parameter is causing the error and then look to see why.
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all i did was remove one of the constrants on the pump itself...and then it came up with the error message, is there anyway around this so i can make the pump bigger and smaller like a wall at will?
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Of course there is, you geometry just isn't constrained properly to the point where revit can't create one of the solids or voids. You need to constrain these by using reference planes and dimensional constraints. Very difficult to assist without a. the family and b. A copy of Revit MEP...
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Joined: Thu, Apr 17, 2008
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the family is M_Base Mounted Pump, it comes out of the box with MEP, im trying 2 ulter both the size or it and the diesel pump i have made, it doesnt allow me to enter the diesel pump into drawings and now when i try ulter the size of the normal pump it causes the entire program to have a error and force me 2 save as everything then close god you gotta love computers
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I'll have a look, please upload the family.
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the one that comes out of the box
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and the diesel one i knocked up myself, but havent fully finished yet, i keep getting errors
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I had a look at the family, and started trying to fix it to then discover that I couldn't access certain parts of the file because it was created in MEP and I'm using Architecture. As such I couldn't fix it for you. There are a million reference planes and none of them have been labelled which makes it an absolute nightmare to try and understand what you are trying to achieve. I would begin by naming the reference planes so when you are in a section you know what reference plane is what, so the geometry can be constrained to the appropriate elements. Half of the geometry is unconstrained or constrained to reference planes that aren't controlled. I was hoping it might be a 2 minute fix, but due to the amount of parameters it would take me 20 minutes just to get my head around the family and what you are trying to achieve - I would need you sitting next to me in order to fix it  If you are new to families I would suggest beginning again from scratch, that way you'll be able to get a grasp of how to constrain elements, set reference planes and add parameters. It is a fairly tricky one for a beginner. In most cases its much easier to start from scratch than to use someone elses as different people constrain things in different ways. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Had it have been Revit Architecture I could have helped more.
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thanks for the help anyway, an ajustable size pump was a step up from the little speaker and alarms i had made last week for work, i guess its back to the drawing board then thanks again!
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