Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Levels missing Revit 2012
Joined: Mon, Oct 3, 2011
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My Levels are visually missing from my project. I have checked each view in the project and verified my crop view extents, my VG settings, revealed hidden elements, and have searched this forum for a solution - but I'm still lost.
In an Elevation view I can insert new levels and they appear, but the existing (4) levels never appear.
Any advice?
Thank you.
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You don't have those plan views in your project browser?
Go to View > Plan Views > Floor Plan
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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From your HELP:>
Datum planes, such as those for levels, grids, and reference planes are not visible in all views. If the datum does not intersect a view’s plane (or does not intersect the plane in the correct way), then it will not be visible in that view.
Datum planes are modifiable. You can resize their extents so that they are visible in some views, but not others. You can also change datum extents in one view and then propagate that change to any desired parallel views in which the datum is visible.
You can also use scope boxes to control visibility of datum.
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Joined: Mon, Oct 3, 2011
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Thank You.
*Typhoon: No, I do not have level lines in any views.
*WWHub: My datum planes are not visible anywhere in the model or views. I understand that they need to intersect a view range, but I cannot locate them - anywhere - to perform that task.
(I attempted a 'Scope Box' prior to my original message to attach the datum planes, but they still do not become visible in order to attach them.)
How would a datum plane "not intersect the plane in the right way"?
Thanks again.
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Cut a section each way and look for the planes there. Also, be sure you don't crop the view and you zoom extends. I bet they are out of view.
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Joined: Thu, Dec 29, 2011
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I am having the same problem, All of my levels show up in my elevations , but when I switch to a 3d preview there are only the original 2 levels I started with. I have my constraints set to the top level, but still no extended walls in 3d.
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Levels do not show in 3D so I don't understand "....but when I switch to a 3d preview there are only the original 2 levels".
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Thank You.
*WWHub: Your idea to cut sections (un-cropped and zoomed to extents) to search for datum planes is good, but it still did not produce the level lines.
I don't know what could have happened to them. Once again, if I create a new level, new datum planes appear in appropriate views - it is the existing levels only that are causing trouble.
**This mystery might not be solved: is there any other viable way to enter/change elevation heights for my (roof and floor) levels?
Thanks for all of your time!
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I am following up with this post: WWHub's advice to cut a section across the entire model space worked. The building elements and families must have been moved (by another) from the original position. I had to cut a series of sections out in "space" on the site plan view once I estimated the original location. Finally a section revealed my datum lines! I can now adjust my floor/roof heights - and of course finish the set for permit.
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I also encounter the same problem, here's what you have to do. Create Scope on plan views, then go to your Section or Elevation. From there create a new LEVEL, then SELECT the LEVEL>>RIGHT CLICK>>ALL INSTANCE>>ENTIRE PROJECT. Under the Properties>Scope Box>>Select the Scope Box you've created earlier...
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I may say something stupid, but I had the same problem with an inherited file and ran through different solutions. Aparently the problem was that the "hidden" level was represented by a very short line oddly placed far away from the model.

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maybe you have the view settings set to show only "new", not complete, or something. so that in 3d it only shows existing, not new, or new but not existing. check that one. gets me everytime, when I start a project.
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I just had the same problem, and not even propagate extents worked. I did a huge diagonal section until the level reappeared, as WWHub said. Then extended the level line.
Thanks for the post!
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(For a new template in 15') I had my levels appear in only one of my four elevations. The only difference i found was in the clipping. Set your clipping extent to a much larger distance OR, set your clipping to "No Clip".
Hope that's helpful.
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I have the same issue!! I have tried all the sulution in this post,nothing work for me,also when I tried to create levels and named it,revit wont let me I got the massage said there is already the same name and level? what do you think guys?
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