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Forums >> General Discussion >> Revit Project Management >> Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet

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Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:35:21 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet



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considering BIM is a technology based practice if you havint made the decision to evolve with the software advances and hardware advances you are just going to isolate yourself from the more progessive firms. I see technology in dog years...


oh yeah.... and my revit 09 gets a lil funky orbiting around in 3d, it kinda evolves into this weird colored wireframe.



Edited on: Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:36:34 PM

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Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:36:40 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet



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We leave it up to the project manager to determine if a project upgrade is wise.  First we proof the upgrade by watching the BB's, then when we hear that the problems have been mostly cleaned up, we will test the release ourselves on a detached existing project.


We don't upgrade everyone at once either but we try to get that done as soon as we proof an upgrade.  Therefore everyone eventually has the latest release and may still have one release back if we still have projects that have not been moved up. 


To do this, we have central locations for 9.1 - 2008 - and now we will have 2009.  When we know we have nothing left in 9.1, we will drop those files.  For our own families, we will be using a batch upgrade and add those in the new area. 


I don't see any reason to have backward compatable saves.  That process really limits the program. 

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Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:25:47 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet




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Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:53:17 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet


Mr Spot

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Backwards Compatability gets discussed at length when ever new release of revit comes out...  Basically it can't be done and is never going to happen.

 For instance, take the blended sweep tool, If Revit 2008 was able to open the file it would come up with an error message as soon as it found this object and would delete it as it would be unable to be created...

Similarly with new dimension types etc.  In order to support backwards compatibility the development team would need to triple in size and the program would bloat out to twice the size as it would include programming to interpret later relase objects and know to ignore them or not display them...  Think of how much time this would take away from creating tools that we want...

We are all on subscription so just update.

As for waiting, I just don't understand why firms do that.  Maybe wait a week or two max, but months is just plain silly.  You inherently put yourself way behind the leading edge and miss out on take advantage of numerous productivity enhancements.

As for being a build behind, that is again very risky.  The latest build undergoes numerous testing to ensure it is the most bug free version, so if you aren't using the latest build then it means you are using a version that is known to have bugs...

Ever since I started using Revit I've actually been using beta versions of the software in live projects (I know I do this at my own risk), but I have that much confidence in the quality of the product.  Not once has it back fired on my yet.  I've been using '09 for quite a few months now and I can tell you it works great and the advantage of doing this is that I have been able to completely update my library, protocols, templates etc to take advantage of the new rendering engine.

 As far as I see it, it pays to stay on the bleeding edge.

My 2 cents.




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Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:00:08 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet




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Just installed the latest and greatest... and WONDER OF WONDERS, on a detail of a thickened slab, instead of drafting in lines to look like dimensions or putting an opaque text over a dimension, I can just make a dim and type "VARIES." Genius. I mean, I know that the time spent in our office transferring back and forth between Revit and 3ds is going to be significantly less of a PIA, but text overrides for dimensions... Too cool. I am a very happy camper right now. Before anyone points out to me all of the things this current version does not have, I'm just going to bask in the glow of "V.I.F" and "PER MNFR SPECS"

That feature alone is worth the subscription price this year, I am going to be saving so much time! I wonder what lovely new features/bugs will rise to fill that void.

Edited on: Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:00:50 PM


Ruth Rau

Main Street Architecture, P.C.

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Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:54:35 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet



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I have been using 2009 for a couple of weeks now and I must say I'm quite impressed with the result. I like the new dimension features also and I am really liking the Mental Ray rendering. It is taking me a while to get used to but I am willing to press on so I can get all of the value out of the program that I can.

I kind of have mixed feelings about the backward compatibility, but overall it doesn't bother me to much.

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Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:06:38 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet



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mental ray rocks

steering wheel rocks

view cube rocks

live clash detection rocks

new dim controls rock

fbx rocks

Revit 09 = ROCKS!

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Wed, May 7, 2008 at 9:11:30 PM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet




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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't backward compatibility refer to, for example, 2009 being able to load 2008 or earlier?  2008 or earlier loading 2009 would be called "forward compatible" if there is such a thing.

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Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09:52 AM | Does anyone have Revit 2009, yet



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Actually, "Backwards Compatibility" refers to a newer version being able to open AND save in a previous release. "Forward Compatiblity" would mean that an older release would be able to open and convert a newer file. So yea if you want to get technical then Revit 2008 would need to be "Forward Compatible", but it is generally refered to as Backward compatible because most of the time we are talking about Revit 2009

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