;;; Início Reg_Coor_Pontos_CSV.lsp ;;; VER 1.1 ;;; J.A. ;;; www.jorgeanjos.com ;;; VER 1.0 - 1995-12-05 ;;; VER 1.1 - 2009-01-14 ;;; VER 1.1 - 2009-01-15 ;;; Início Reg_Coor_Pontos_CSV.lsp - Aplicação para registar coordenadas de pontos (points) em ficheiro de texto tipo CSV (defun c:RCPV (/ ACMDCH ADZIN VALLPRC UNPRC SSET NMFILE FILETX VIRG SSLEN TEMPS CORDX CORDY CORDZ TXCORDX TXCORDY TXCORDZ ) (defun SETVRS () (setq ACMDCH (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq ADZIN (getvar "dimzin")) (setvar "dimzin" 0) (setq VALLPRC (getvar "luprec")) (command "_.undo" "begin") (setq AERR *error*) ) (defun RESETVRS () (setq *error* AERR) (setvar "dimzin" ADZIN) (command "_.undo" "end") (setvar "cmdecho" ACMDCH) ) (SETVRS) (princ "\n»» How many decimal places? (0/8) ") (princ "<") (princ VALLPRC) (princ ">") (setq UNPRC (getint)) (princ "\n»» Select the points:\n") (setq SSET (ssget '((0 . "POINT")))) (if SSET (progn (if (= UNPRC nil) (setq UNPRC VALLPRC) ) (setq NMFILE (getfiled "Input the name for your file of coordinates" "" "csv" 1 ) FILETX (open NMFILE "a") VIRG "," SSLEN (sslength SSET) ) (while (> SSLEN 0) (setq TEMPS (ssname SSET (setq SSLEN (1- SSLEN))) CORDX (nth 1 (assoc 10 (entget TEMPS))) CORDY (nth 2 (assoc 10 (entget TEMPS))) CORDZ (nth 3 (assoc 10 (entget TEMPS))) TXCORDX (rtos CORDX 2 UNPRC) TXCORDY (rtos CORDY 2 UNPRC) TXCORDZ (rtos CORDZ 2 UNPRC) ) (write-line (strcat "" TXCORDX "" VIRG "" TXCORDY "" VIRG "" TXCORDZ "") FILETX ) ) (close FILETX) ) (princ "\n»» None point select... \n") ) (RESETVRS) ) ;;; ;;; ;;; (defun *error* (msg) (setq *error* AERR) (if FILETX (close FILETX) ) (setvar "cmdecho" ACMDCH) (setvar "dimzin" ADZIN) (command "_.undo" "end") (princ (strcat "»» Aplication interrupted with error: " msg)) ) (terpri) (princ "\n»» Begin the aplication writing RCPV \n") ;;; Fim Reg_Coor_Pontos_CSV.lsp